Fruit Morphology and Development HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit develops from the flowers Flower parts - Perfect flower Androecium (set of stamens) Corolla (group of petals) Gynoecium (set of carpels) Calyx (group of sepals) HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit develops from the flowers Flower parts - Imperfect flower Female Male HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Flower types Floral parts arrangements Attachment of floral parts Position of ovary HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Classification Seed-bearing structure derived from a flower Fleshy fruit Berry Drupe Pome Pepo Dry fruit Dehiscent - splits when ripe Indehiscent - one carpel Aggregate fruit Multiple fruit HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fleshy fruit: Berries One pistil (carpel) One or many seed HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fleshy fruit: Drupes One seeded Seed within stony endocarp Peach, plum, apricot, cherry Skin = exocarp Eat mesocarp Pit = endocarp HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fleshy fruit: Drupes One seeded Seed within stony endocarp Almond Mesocarp dries and separates Endocarp is hard to soft Eat seed HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fleshy fruit: Pomes Leathery carpels Edible portion is receptacle HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Fleshy fruit: Pepos Inferior flower, > 1 carpel Receptacle surrounds pericarp to form rind Watermelon Cucumber Squash Pumpkin HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Dry fruit: Dehiscent Split open when ripe Beans Peas HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Dry fruit: Indehiscent Single carpel Does not split when ripe Achene One seeded, free from pericarp Strawberry, sunflower Nut Similar to achene Enclosed by pericarp (leathery in chestnut, woody in walnut) Husk (shuck) is fusion of sepals, bracts, bracteoles. HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Aggregate Fruit Many ovules One flower HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Multiple fruit Many flowers Along a common axis or inflorescence HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit development: Definitions Maturation Process of development Leads to maturity = ability to ripen properly Ripening Following step in fruit development Mature fruit becomes fully edible Senescence Final step in fruit development Deterioration Leads to death HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Growth Pattern Sigmoid pattern: Pomes, pecans, strawberry Slow Rapid, cell division and expansion Slow, leveling off of growth HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Growth Pattern Double sigmoid: Peach, plum, cherry Slow Rapid, cell division Slow, pit hardening Rapid, cell expansion HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Growth Pattern Double Sigmoid Late and early ripening peaches differ in length of STAGE II HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Size This is why fruit is thinned. Fruit size is inversely proportional to fruit number This is why fruit is thinned. HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
What you should learn from this lab Where a fruit comes from Flower types Fruit classification Basic fruit morphology Fruit development Terminology Fruit growth patterns Effect of seed number Effect of thinning ID of fruits and their seed HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Laboratory Procedure Fruit displays Drupes/Stone fruit - 2 Pome fruit - 2 Berries Nuts Multiple/aggregate fruit Pit and seed display Thinned vs. Unthinned Mount pressed leaves in book HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Laboratory Procedure Answer work sheets Drupes/Stone fruit - 5 pts Pome fruit - 5 pts Misc. Fruit/Seed - 10 pts Thinned vs. Unthinned - 5 pts Fruit Development Exercise on Homepage (15pts) Compare fruit development for pecan, pear and peach Answer questions on Homepage and submit to teaching assistant HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production