Connecting with Biological Children Through TCC Facilitator: Clensy Warren FSS Training Specialist
Welcome and Introduction
What is The Children’s Connection (TCC) The purpose of TCC is to engage biological children in the foster care training process. By helping birth children understand what children in care have or go through, they can better prepare and understand their role in making sure the child is comfortable and safe.
The TCC Program Outline Over the course of a year, TCC specialists engage with foster families to see if the training is helping biological children adjust to children in care coming into their homes. There are 4 sessions that biological children will complete: Session 1: Introduction of TCC – is an interactive in-class session that focuses on defining foster care, traumatized children and sharing. Session 2: The Transition- is a follow up worksheet for class participants. The worksheet covers the transition of having a foster child(ren) in the home. Session 3: Assessing the Changes- is based on a follow-up worksheet; concerns or ideas will be discussed in a classroom setting. Session 4: The Journey of Fostering- is bring in biological child(ren) and parents to discussed their one year journey with having a child(ren) placed in their home.
Let’s Get Connected (TCC) Step 1 Families are informed of the TCC program while in PRIDE Class and sign up at graduation. They complete a sign up sheet and a registration form prior to leaving PRIDE graduation.
Guiding Principles and Beliefs of TCC TCC Competencies Helping and participating in children’s growth Helping keep kids safe while expressing feelings TCC Principles Promoting children’s development The importance of parents and families The value of diversity and cultural competence Managing loss Teamwork Role clarity
Session 1: Introduction of TCC What is Trauma Feelings Sharing Q & A Journal Book
Session 2: The Transition Worksheet (at home)
Session 3: Assessing The Changes In class discussion based on worksheet Because they are not safe in their home, so they have to stay with a family that can keep them safe until their parents can.
Session 4: The Journey of Fostering Child and parent return to class to discuss the families journey.
Questions & Answer What are you all thinking?