Author: Dimitrije rajcic Team Serbia 2 library Author: Dimitrije rajcic Team Serbia 2
One person has decided to download all of the fiction existing in the English language and store it on a single USB stick. He expects to find or generate the respective text files, compress them, and then index them conveniently. Is this ambition realistic? Suggest a plan to approach this goal and solve a partial problem of this plan.
Reporter Pros Cons Energy Bad knowledge Not talking about USB Small pictures Indexing and formating He was reading Bad knowledge Not talking about USB
Suggestions for reporter Explain USB better
Opponent Pros Cons Good questions Little aggressive Great discussion Didn’t ask about formating Asked about formulas Ask about USb
suggestions for opponent More asking about important formulas Ask about another things like formating
Discussion It was good Opponent asked about some details and about some things Reporter answer on all questions and explain indexing really well
Thank you for your attention