EMODnet Chemistry 3 Reporting The EMODnet reporting process is under update with a revised set of indicators to improve quarterly reporting (harmonize, …”easy to report and actionable”…). The process is managed by Trust-IT that is helping the Secretariat in this task. Status: for the new indicators: Mid October 2017 (phase I) delivered a first pilot group of indicators (1,4,5) Evaluation of the first pilot group received last week with actions to undertake Now (phase II) will have to deliver the second pilot group of pilot indicators (8,9,10…and 4 )
Indicator 1: Volume and coverage of available acquired data
Indicator 1: the action requested is to add colour code (absolute or relative) Proposal to use Coloured matrix Chemicals VS Regions! (updated each time)
Indicator 4: Quality Control and Quality Assurance steps The action requested is to review it following the new table (with descriptive information only)
Indicator 5.1: Number(*) and coverage of built data products
Indicator 5.1: Number(*) and coverage of built data products (*) Now the number of products is the number of NetCDF Diva files We want to include the data buffers as data products Deltares can count them (per area, per theme P36) ? Action from evaluation the number of products should be the number of layers (1NetCDF files time and depth layers) Gher can to count them?
Second group of pilot indicators proposal (8,9,10…and 4) 8.1 List of interfaces Data CDI service (manual download 100%, WMS?) External DATA PRODUCTS not for chemistry EMODnet DATA PRODUCTS: Ocean Browser (manual download 100%, WMS,WPS) Sextant (manual download?, OGC standard?) All themes together
Second group of pilot indicators proposal (8,9,10…and 4) Indicator 8.2: Volume of data and data products downloads per interface (downloads, views, web-services) and per theme Data Maris provides nb. of manual downloads by theme (as old indicator I4) WMS requests, maps visualizations can be provided? DATA PRODUCTS Gher/Deltares provides nb. of manual downloads, WMS requests… (as old indicator I4) nb. per theme (P36/P35?) can be provided?
Second group of pilot indicators proposal (8,9,10…and 4) Indicator 8.2: Volume of data and data products downloads per interface (downloads, views, web-services) and per theme
Second group of pilot indicators proposal (8,9,10…and 4) Indicator 9: number of organisations per type and country that have used downloaded the portal’s data and data products and their main use cases Data Maris help for this similar to old indicator I5 DATA PRODUCTS do we have the information?
Second group of pilot indicators proposal (8,9,10…and 4) Indicator 9: number of organisations per type and country that have used downloaded the portal’s data and data products and their main use cases For old indicator I5, Maris provides: Users form is needed to record the use for the downloaded data/products. The information have to be reported quarterly
Second group of pilot indicators proposal (8,9,10…and 4) 10.1 Organisations who built on top of EMODnet web-services Nothing to report?