ANNUAL PLAN 2019/20 Council Workshop 8 March 2019 Attachment 2 to OIA 2019-073 The original presentation included slides and notes that are deleted in this version as they were out of scope of the request for information. ANNUAL PLAN 2019/20 Council Workshop 8 March 2019
Council approved PT changes Enhanced services and No fare increase
Other key assumptions for 2019/20 No fare increase (LTP assumed 1.6% CPI increase) More aggressive patronage growth 4.5% for rail, 2% for bus 2% personnel adjustment If risks eventuate these will need to be absorbed Revenue from RMA charging (LTP assumes $300k additional revenue)
Remaining risks and uncertainties for 2019/20 Risk / Uncertainty NZTA funding for the bus enhancements Riverlink – rental revenue LGWM - costs for planning phase likely to be higher than allowed for Fares revenue - patronage & inflation Bus performance regime Increase in contract costs WREMO - building rental costs Long Distance Trains – options and funding Ferry Terminal – business case and follow-up work Hutt Valley rail line upgrade and impacts on revenue/patronage Acceleration of electric buses
Revenue for 2019/20