Transferring Information From Non-Linear Source To Linear Text UWB 10101 Transferring Information From Non-Linear Source To Linear Text
Step 1: ANALYZE the task STUDY the stimulus: Graph/Chart/Table Bar Graph Single line Graph Double line Graph Pie Chart Table
Step 2: FOCUS on the task JOT / WRITE DOWN your POINTS quickly
Step 3: ORGANIZE the task Numbering points in LOGICAL SEQUENCE. Insert LINKERS INTRODUCTION-DESCRIBE what the graph/chart shows. CONCLUSION-DESCRIBE the broad: IMPORTANT TREND shown Write a report in FULL SENTENCES.BULLET POINTS are NOT ALLOWED.
Describing the Charts by using appropriate Phrases. Direction Verbs Nouns Increased An increase Decreased A Decreased Remained stable No change A Fluctuation Fluctuated
ADJECTIVE: A word that describe about person or thing (noun) -She is a diligent student -Smuggled goods are popular among illegal traders. ADVERB: A word that adds more information about place,time,manner to a verb. -She sleeps soundly -They marched silently through the streets
Describing The DEGREE Of Change ADJECTIVES ADVERBS dramatic dramatically enormous enormously significant significantly moderate moderately minimal minimally
Describing The SPEED Of Change ADJECTIVES ADVERBS rapid rapidly quick quickly gradual gradually steady steadily slow slowly
Useful Adjectives to COMPARE and CONTRAST POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE cheap cheaper cheapest large larger largest profitable more profitable most profitable good better best bad worse worst
Describing the Chart starting with ADJECTIVE or SUBJECT The highest percentage of women are employed in the Educational Institution. The lowest percentage of men are employed in the executive category. The largest number of holiday makers come from Sabah. The significant proportion of cars sold are blue.
SUBJECT More men are employed in the manufacturing sector. Red is the most popular car color. Mexico is the most common holiday destination Professional is the second most prevalent employment category.