Residential Schools Ms. Dow Socials 10
What happened? First Peoples children required to attend Children used for cultural assimilation
Who is involved? Canadian Government First Peoples Churches
When/Where Canada Required in 1876 Last one closed in 1997
Why important? Compensation? Many examples of abuse Cultural extinction Apology/Truth and Reconciliation (TRC)
How did I do? 30 word summary What else was helpful? Not helpful?
Presentation Rules Less than 30 words 1 slide per section 1-3 concise points per slide Expand on your information verbally 1 slide per section - No more than 5 Include relevant images
Chinese Workers on the CPR What Happened? Very low wages ($1/day – half of other workers) Most dangerous work (600-1200 deaths) Who was involved? Chinese workers Andrew Onderdonk
Chinese Workers on the CPR When/Where? Finished 1885 Primarily BC Important? Compensation? Largest group of non- European immigrants CPR Completion No compensation Chinese Workers on the CPR
Rights for Women What Happened? Who was involved? Women expected to have large families with little support No political rights Suffrage = women’s right to vote Who was involved? Nellie McClung Rights for Women
Rights for Women When/Where? Important? Compensation? First province to grant right to vote was Manitoba in 1916 Across Canada by 1940 Important? Compensation? Political equality achieved Rights for Women
Chinese Head Tax What Happened? Who was involved? Extra fee to enter Canada only for Chinese immigrants Went from $50 to $100 to $500 Mostly young men sent to Canada Who was involved? Canadian Government Chinese immigrants Chinese Head Tax
Chinese Head Tax When/Where? Important?Compensation? Starting in 1885 (up to $500 by 1903) Important?Compensation? Example of “Closing the door” on immigration Racist legislation Lawsuit and some compensation for individuals and communities Chinese Head Tax
Continuous Passages Act What Happened? Legislation required non- stop route to Canada (Impossible from India) Komagata Maru famously tried to get around this legislation Turned back after 90 days Who was involved? Gurdit Singh Continuous Passages Act
Continuous Passages Act When/Where? Legislation passed in 1908 Komagata Maru travels in 1914 from Hong Kong to Vancouver Important? Compensation? Canadian Government has apologized, but no individual compensation Continuous Passages Act