Invasive Plant Management on Military Installations 3 Success Stories
Arnold Air Force Base, TN Arnold Air Force Base, TN Parris Island USMC, South Carolina Parris Island USMC, South Carolina Fort Detrick USAG, Maryland Fort Detrick USAG, Maryland
Integrated Pest Management
Various Herbicide Application Methods Cut stump Cut stump High volume foliar High volume foliar Low volume foliar Low volume foliar Basal bark Basal bark Girdling Girdling Others… Others…
Steven T Manning Invasive Plant Control, Inc.
Japanese Stilt Grass Microstegium vimineum
Kudzu Pueraria montana Native of Asia Native of Asia Covers 14,000,000 acres in the south Covers 14,000,000 acres in the south May grow 60 feet per year May grow 60 feet per year
Bicolor Lespedeza Lespedeza bicolor
Before Treatment After Treatment
Autumn Olive Elaeagnus umbellata Native of China & Japan Native of China & Japan Classified as a top 3 most difficult to control Classified as a top 3 most difficult to control Thorns Thorns Growth pattern Growth pattern Shiny silver back of leaf makes identification easy Shiny silver back of leaf makes identification easy
Autumn Olive in Tullahoma, TN Arnold Air Force Base
AEDC To Date 5 Years of contracting 5 Years of contracting Primary targets are now under control Primary targets are now under control Primary species controlled Primary species controlled Lespedezas Lespedezas Kudzu Kudzu Chinese privet Chinese privet Garlic mustard Garlic mustard Autumn Olive Autumn Olive Fescue Fescue
Management Plan Development Mapping
Unit 5
China Berry Melia azedarach L Can out compete forest crops as seen below on the base Can out compete forest crops as seen below on the base Priority 2
Chinese tallow Sapium sebiferum Can out compete forest crops as seen below on the base Can out compete forest crops as seen below on the base Priority 1
Disturbances such as logging create the perfect growth scenario for Chinese Tallow Tree
Tamarisk Imperata cylindrica Tamarisk Imperata cylindrica Patches located along roadsides are beginning to invade natural areas and wetlands Patches located along roadsides are beginning to invade natural areas and wetlands Priority 2 Priority 2 Priority 2
Tamarisk growing in the western US--Normal
Tamarisk growing in the eastern US?????
Parris Island To Date Mapping and Management Plan Complete Mapping and Management Plan Complete 2003 treatment of Chinese Tallow and Chinaberry complete 2003 treatment of Chinese Tallow and Chinaberry complete Maintenance of treated sites is underway internally Maintenance of treated sites is underway internally
Frederick Maryland
Privet Ligustrum species
Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Native of China Native of China Introduced in late 1700s Introduced in late 1700s Exudes a foul odor when crushed Exudes a foul odor when crushed Can grow 8 feet in the 1st year Can grow 8 feet in the 1st year Allelopathic Allelopathic Mature trees can reach 80 feet or more in height Mature trees can reach 80 feet or more in height
Steven T Manning Invasive Plant Control, Inc.
Girdling/Treating & Basal Bark Treating Benefits Benefits Wildlife Wildlife Significantly reduces control costs Significantly reduces control costs
Multi-Flora Rose Rosa multiflora Introduced from Japan, Korea, eastern China in 1886 as an ornamental Introduced from Japan, Korea, eastern China in 1886 as an ornamental 1930s promoted as a living fence 1930s promoted as a living fence Medium sized shrub is capable of producing 500,000-1,000,000 seeds Medium sized shrub is capable of producing 500,000-1,000,000 seeds Multiflora rose was introduced from Japan, Korea, and eastern China in 1886 as rootstock for ornamental roses Multiflora rose was introduced from Japan, Korea, and eastern China in 1886 as rootstock for ornamental roses
grows to (13 ft)
NATIVE RANGE: India to Eastern Asia, China and the Islands from Japan to the Phillipines NATIVE RANGE: India to Eastern Asia, China and the Islands from Japan to the Phillipines Also called Devils Tail Also called Devils Tail Annual Annual Overtops Vegetation Overtops Vegetation Negative aspects for forestry and Christmas Tree operations Negative aspects for forestry and Christmas Tree operations Mile a Minute Vine Polygonum perfoliatum
Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Native of Nagasaki area of Japan Native of Nagasaki area of Japan Found on forest edges & fence rows Found on forest edges & fence rows Creeping vine & fragrant flowers Creeping vine & fragrant flowers May girdle or over-top vegetation May girdle or over-top vegetation
English Ivy Hedera helix L Ginseng family Ginseng family Vines attach to the bark of trees, brickwork, and other surfaces by way of numerous, small rootlike structures Vines attach to the bark of trees, brickwork, and other surfaces by way of numerous, small rootlike structures Many recognized leaf forms Many recognized leaf forms Introduced to the US by European immigrants Introduced to the US by European immigrants
Musk and CanadaThistles
Before After
Before and After Transline and Nu-Film
Invasion on New Tree Plantings
Fort Detrick Conclusions Developed a management plan Developed a management plan Prioritized control sites Prioritized control sites Implemented control methods Implemented control methods Maintain previously treated sites Maintain previously treated sites