Waverley Primary Care Colorectal Cancer Screening Improvement Project TEAM MEMBERS Dr. Patricia Moyer Kelsey Peterson, MA Katia Alvarado, Manager Katia Alvarado – Practice Manager Sonya Sullivan – Practice Director / Coach
Transitioning an improvement project Hiring a new Manager Understanding the Improvement Project Visiting other practices that are working on improvement projects Starting over: running base line date, reviewing the data, sharing the data and engaging the team New Teams Data We identified a problem with patients not getting thorough explanation of specialty tests. Tests were incomplete or delayed, patients were confused and frustrated. Staff spent a lot of time on the phone troubleshooting.
Lessons Learned Surprises: The importance of: Hiring- Tools- Teaching and Understanding Improvement Regular meetings are very important with your team Celebrate the achievements with the team Surprises: IT Issues Value of the data Lessons Learned: recreating data, its not important. Select a starting point and create your new data. Surprises: Previous Managers Computer corrupted, not knowing the data points, data was lost, team members were no longer with us.
Lessons Learned Surprises The importance of: IT Reports Hiring- Tools- Teaching and Understanding Improvement Regular meetings are very important with your team Celebrate the achievements with the team Surprises IT Reports Lessons Learned: recreating data, its not important. Select a starting point and create your new data. Surprises: Previous Managers Computer corrupted, not knowing the data points, data was lost, team members were no longer with us.
Always look ways to improve How to Keep It Going Share the data Celebrate success Patient engagement Always look ways to improve