Portugal is situated in the southwest of Europe It occupies a total area of km 2. Portugal has a frontier on the North and East with Spain and on the South and West with the Atlantic Ocean. Geographical Situation
The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. Lisbon has about innabitants and it occupies an area of 2870 km 2. There are many touristic atractions. The Baixa Pombalina, Belém, Bairro Alto and Chiado are the most famous places to visit. Capital of Portugal
Fado is a Portuguese special music style always singing with the sound of Portuguese guitar. Famous fado singers are : Amália Rodrigues, Mariza, Carlos do Carmo… Carlos Paredes was a very famous guitarist. Music
In terms of litterature we can mention: - Luís de Camões ; - Almeida Garrett ; - Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen; - José Saramago (Nobel Litterature Winner in 1998) Litterature
Monuments of Portugal - The tower of Belém, in Lisbon
- The Jerónimos' monestry, in Lisbon Monuments of Portugal
The Castle in Guimarães, where the first king of Por- gal lived when he was a child Monuments of Portugal
The Palace of Pena, in Sintra Monuments of Portugal
The Roman temple in Évora Monuments of Portugal
Portugal is one of the most warm countries in Europe: the average of the temperature in Portugal is between the 13º in the North interior to 18º in the south. Autumn and the Winter are windy, rainy and cold. Spring and Summer are sunny. In summer the temperature sometimes achieve 40 º. Climate
The typical portuguese dishes vary from one region to another. The most famous one are codfish, grilled sardines, fish-stew, pork in alentejo way, dish of kidney beans, roasted sucking-pig and others. Gastronomy
Is a country with a great History, with good beaches, a lot of sun, friendly people.... … a country that you should visit...