Russian Revolution vs Animal Farm
Tsar Nicholas II & Tsarina Alexandra Russian Revolution Animal Farm Ruler of Russia Failed to solve Russia’s basic political, economic, and social problems Tsar was forced to abdicate the throne Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones Ran farm poorly Forced off the farm by the animals
V.I. Lenin Russian Rev Animal Farm Leader of the Bolsheviks who took over in the absence of the tsar Sent in exile to Switzerland Lenin adopted Marxist ideas to fit Russian conditions Germans helped him escape and get back to Russia War Communism/NEP Old Major Inspiration for the rebellion Killed early in the revolution Established the laws of Animalism
Stalin Took power after the death of Lenin Napoleon Russian Rev. Animal Farm Took power after the death of Lenin Used fear tactics to gain power Wanted to focus on building communism at home Napoleon Introduced the idea of the windmill His secret police exiled Snowball
Trotsky A Marxist revolutionary under Lenin Russian Rev. Animal Farm A Marxist revolutionary under Lenin After Lenin’s death, Trotsky and Stalin competed for governmental control Urged a world wide revolution against capitalism Snowball Disagreed with Napoleon on the future of how the farm should be run Was exiled off the farm by Stalin’s secret police dogs
Secret Police Enforced War Communist policies Russian Rev. Animal Farm Enforced War Communist policies Protected Communist leaders Jessie and Bluebell’s puppies They were taken at a young age and trained in communist views
March Revolution Russian Rev. Animal Farm Tsar failed to deal with issues at home while he was trying to raise moral on the war lines against Germany Russians overthrew the Tsar Ended Tsar rule of Russia When the animals took the grain and then ran farmer Jones off the farm
Other Countries Germany helped Stalin back into Russia Russian Rev. Animal Farm Germany helped Stalin back into Russia Other countries that supported the anti-communist side (Whites) Germany (Adolf Hitler) traded with Russian leaders Other farmers in the area that came back to help Jones get his farm back Mr. Frederick- unfairly traded with the pigs of the farm
Communism Russian Rev. Animal Farm a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state Collective farms All business was under the government Animalism Pigs eating the apples and milk while the other animals starved Sleeping in beds Dressing like humans Trading with other farmers Drinking alcohol
Civil War- Red Army vs White Army Russian Rev. Animal Farm Three year war between the “Red”- Communist (Bolsheviks) and the “Whites”- counterrevolutionary (tsarist imperial officers, Mensheviks, Democrats) Allies helped the Whites in hope to help overthrow the Communist Group of farmers that returned to the Jones’ farm to attempt to retake it Animals chased them back off the farm Hoof and Horn flag was developed after that
Five Year Plans Russian Rev. Animal Farm Aimed at building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output Stalin’s plans set high production goals To meet goals, managers produced more but cheap products Plan to build the windmill Continued the plan even after the windmill was destroyed
Collective Farms Russian Rev. Animal Farm Farmers kept their homes and personal property, but the land was owned by government Including everything grown on it Some protested by burning their crops and slaughtering their animals Food shortages remained a problem Idea that everybody worked on the windmill to build to it so everybody would have to work less Still had to work hard everyday and it did not increase their food
Great Purge Russian Rev. Animal Farm Stalin feared the rise of opposing parties so he had many leaders killed or sent to Gulag Over 4 million people were purged out of Russia Some were experts in industry, economics, and engineering, and some of the Soviet Union’s most talented writers and thinkers When the hens refused to sell their eggs, they were considered rebels hand killed for their actions against animalism