Meeting of the EHIS Technical Group Luxembourg 23-24 January 2012 Modernisation of Social Statistics Streamlined coordinated social surveys Meeting of the EHIS Technical Group Luxembourg 23-24 January 2012 13-Jul-07
Context The environment is changing Rising importance of social statistics for policy making Rising expectations for flexibility and quality Growth of enabling technologies for producing, storing and sharing data Reduced budgets for public spending, including on statistics 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
A framework for social statistics for joint progress Context Therefore need to adapt current systems Vision on the production method of EU statistics From a stovepipe model To a re-engineered production method where statistics are produced as parts of integrated model From Vision to Strategy A joint approach to modernising European Social Statistics A framework for social statistics for joint progress 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Framework for Social Statistics Statistical processing New data sources (Electronic footprint) Non ESS surveys (ECB wealth) Administrative data (on individuals or aggregated) for statistical purposes Statistical processing Linking and matching Warehouse(s) (micro, meso or macro data) Output Multimode data collection PAPI, CAPI, CATI, CAWI Streamlined coordinated social surveys Common concepts and methods Census Basic registers (Individuals, Households, Dwellings, Buildings, …) Population frame (incl. sampling) 24/25 October 2011 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Strategy for the modernisation of social statistics Priority action areas Tapping new data sources without compromising on quality Streamlined coordinated social surveys Creating added value through data linking/matching Multi-mode data collections 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Key drivers for streamlined social surveys Flexibility Need to be responsive to users needs (to achieve via new ad-hoc modules or via integration between the several surveys) Efficiency gains Eliminate overlaps of data collected between surveys Rationalise the system – choose the right tool (survey) to collect variables Help the way for the use of administrative data Help the way for data linking and matching 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Nine micro-data collections at EU level The current situation Nine micro-data collections at EU level LFS, SILC, ICT AES, EHIS HBS, TUS SASU, EHSIS Potential for improvement due to duplications/overlaps of variables insufficient integration non-harmonised approach for ad hoc modules in the different surveys need for a systematic review of accuracy/frequency requirements for variables across surveys 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Expert Group DSS March 2011: Decision to set up an Expert Group Review possible approaches to survey integration Evaluating potential challenges of implementation Investigating possible efficiency gains; risks and benefits and potential impact on Member States Comparing Eurostat proposals with various approaches currently discussed/implemented in several Member States 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Expert Group Chaired by Eurostat Representatives from EE, ES, FR, IE, IT, NL, UK and NO (plus DE in the future) First meeting on 21 and 22 June 2011 Discussion: Objectives of the exercise (Flexibility/responsiveness; Efficiency; Integration) Criteria for decision making Design constraints National experiences Eurostat proposals for one, two or three pillars 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Expert Group Conclusion: In-depth work on Modularisation of the different social surveys (building blocks defined by topic and characteristics such as sample size, frequency, accuracy requirements) All sectoral Working Groups to come with a proposal Technical feasibility of a certain number of issues (collection unit, sub-sampling,….) keeping in mind practicalities Expert Group to develop a first list of issues to be looked into 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
How to streamline Modularisation Subject matter (traditional one) Sample size requirements Frequency Need for a panel / longitudinal component (…) Identify variables overlaps with other surveys Current ones (core social variables) Potential new ones (relevant crossing with other subject areas) Assess overlaps between modules within the same survey Convert variables overlaps into sample overlaps 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
How to streamline 1) Streamlining expert group 2) EHIS technical group Specify principles and criteria to specify the modules 2) EHIS technical group Characterise the modules Identify relevant crossing with modules in other subject matters (e.g. living conditions, labour market, education participation, disability) 3) Streamlining expert group Puts together all 9 social surveys and proposes one overall architecture for the ESS social surveys 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys
Roadmap for 2012 Eurostat (production unit and modernisation unit) will prepare a draft table with the characteristics of the modules; Table put under discussion of EHIS technical group Written consultation still in first quarter 2012 Finalised table agreed by EHIS technical group will be put at the disposal of the streamlining technical group Streamlining technical group will prepare a proposal for an integrated system of European social surveys 13-Jul-07 Streamlined coordinated social surveys