Critical Thinking Hint: Don’t overthink things if the answer is right in front of you. You’ll have 90 Seconds to figure out the Answer to this Puzzle. No Cheating!!!
Follow these steps and see if you can figure this out. 1) Get a brown, cardboard box. 2) Get purple, orange, and turquoise paints. 3) Paint the box orange. 4) Paint on purple spots. 5) Paint on turquoise stripes. 7) Turn it upside down. 8) Lie on your side. What is missing from this sequence?
The Answer Step 6
Goals for the Day I can analyze and carefully consider the complexity of an issue. I can develop at least two potential positions I could take on the issue.
Vocabulary Quiz #23 Log in to Socrative Use token code: Bauer2016
Don’t forget about the Albert Assignments for extra credit due on Tuesday – several have not completed the 1 mandatory assignment. Read pages 167-174 and fill out the graphic organizer to help you understand and carefully consider the complexity of the issue. Come to class with the graphic organizer complete and multiple position statements.
Goals for the Day I can analyze multiple texts to help me understand and carefully consider the complexity of an issue.
Open your textbook to page 167. Let’s begin by simply reading the synthesis prompt. Quickly – see if you can write down our 7-step process. Fill in the pre-reading portions of our graphic organizer. Here’s where things get a little different. Go through and read each text. As you read, mark “for” or “against” at the top of each text. Additionally, as you read, pull ideas that might fall into your “pro” or “con” columns. Look for additional background information or information that may better inform what the conflict is. Repeat this process with each text.