Stage 13 Vocabulary
advenio, advenire, adveni, (ad + venio) to arrive
aedificium, aedificii (aedifici), n. building
aeger, aegra, aegrum sick, ill
alter, altera, alterum the other, the second
canto, cantare, cantavi to sing
ceter, cetera, ceterum the other, the rest (pl.)
custos, custodis, m. guard
dico, dicere, dixi to say
excito, excitare, excitavi to arouse, wake up
fessus/a/um tired
interficio, interficere, interfeci to kill
ita vero yes
nolo, nolle, nolui to not want, refuse
novus/a/um new
nullus/a/um (gen. nullius; dat. nulli) not any, no
possum, posse, potui to be able
retineo, retinere, retinui (re + teneo) to keep
ruo, ruere, rui to rush
himself, herself, itself, themselves --, sui, sibi, se, se himself, herself, itself, themselves
traho, trahere, traxi to drag
vita, -ae, f. life
volo, velle, volui to want
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi to wound