Fiber Evidence Value?
Fiber Sources Natural Synthetic or Manufactured Plant sources Animal Sources Rayon (1911) Nylon (1931) Dacron Polyester
Polymer The basic chemical structure of all synthetic fibers All polymers consist of repeating units called monomers Polymers are made by linking many monomers together.
Identification and Comparison The value of fiber evidence lies in the criminalists ability to trace its origin
Torn Garments or Fabrics?
Physical Properties Crimp Pliability Resilience Perform “Burn test”
Just a Few Small Fibers? Comparison Microscope
Morphology and Cross Sectional Shape Trilobal and Multilobed – Some trilobal examples appear below Round and dumbbell shape Some round examples appear below
Determine Chemical Composition of the Dyes The Next Step Determine Chemical Composition of the Dyes
Use a Visible Light Microspectrophotometer A Microscope Combined With a Computerized Spectrophotometer
Chromatography Can Be used to Analyze Dyes Thin Layer Chromatography is the method of choice
All Techniques Require a Side-by-Side Comparison The Value of the Techniques Lies in the Ability of The Analyst to Narrow a Fiber’s Origin to a Limited Number of Sources