"Please not another Mental Health App"
Who Am I talking to? What do I have to say? Where am I going? "Please not another Mental Health App"
Who Am I talking to? Academics (research) Students (UG & PG) Academics (T & L) Support Services Additional Stakeholders
What do I have to say? Mental health and Student Well Being require a rethink Universities must change -- "For everything to stay the same, everything must change," (Tancredi) Students need support – not just for league tables, NSS & employability (reputation & good will)
Context Facts & Figures A record number of students died by suicide in 2015. Between 2007 and 2015, the number of student suicides increased by 79% Universities report a 94% increase in demands for counselling services Less than one third of universities have a designated wellbeing and mental health strategy https://www.ippr.org/files/2017-09/not-by-degrees-summary-sept-2017-1-.pdf
Context 2 The increase of students dropping out of HE studies increased by 210% from 2009 to 2015 87% of first year students are overwhelmed & have difficulty coping with the transition 60% struggle with managing deadlines & academic stress 44% refer to isolation … 36% experience financial difficulty Finally, 37% find it difficult to balance work & study
Context 3 Facts & Figures Cost to the UK economy – estimated to be £105 Billion per annum Mental health illness is over represented in BAM by 25% 2015 NUS survey revealed that 78 per cent of students experienced mental health issues during the previous year. And for 33 per cent of those questioned, this included suicidal thoughts. https://www.ippr.org/files/2017-09/not-by-degrees-summary-sept-2017-1-.pdf http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/more-students-are-dropping-out-of-university-because-of-mental-health-problems-a7788901.html
Context 4 What we did & why Creative Entrepreneurship Module at UAL (Final year Advertising Degree students) Different models – VPC, Blue versus Red Oceans, Lean Start Up (MVP & Pivots), & HCD Traditional hallmarks of a agile / UX / empathetic approach Organised a sprint in June
What do I have to say? Pedagogy: Agile Skill set development Getting your hands dirty Applying ideas & creating a tangible outcome The importance of facilitation Crucial to get all stakeholders participating (staff, students & support) Smaller groups is key Formative feedback Active participation Achievement Nothing wrong with failure
What do I have to say? https://medium.com/dart-innovation/design-sprints-helping-everyone-develop-customer-empathy-and-insights-cf32349cd83f How might we? Stop admiring the problem? 4 step sketch Lightening Demo Divide & Swarm
What do I have to say?
What do I have to say? Summary Not another F***king App Academics are contributing Failure of support (fundamental) Lack of integration Support staff are the key (they do the work) Academics have to learn & flag up Deadlines & managing work Centralised service Shared space
What do I have to say? Insight Not an app Not mental Health Change to Well Being
What do I have to say? Insight Email – never App – they are all crap Physical Space Integrated – money, timetable, social, stress & shared
What do I have to say? Insight Genius bar Student space (our own) Social dynamic Immediate help Integrated – stress, money, timetable
Where am I going? Further research Informed teaching & learning strategy Interested in reviewing current research & completing an article Identify suitable conference & audiences for dissemination
Where am I going 2? Help on KSA’s provision Student support Wider audience within the university Genius Bar – Launched at McGill this Year(!)
Thank you & any questions?