Last updated 11 April 2019.


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Last updated 11 April 2019

Thesis seminars – timing and topics Will be published in your schedule Semester Suggested dates Content required Thesis seminar 1   1-2 hours 1 September (could be combined with Meet and Greet) Thesis deadlines and hand in dates Explanation of what a thesis is Content of each delivery (Thesis Proposal, Preliminary Thesis Report, Thesis) Ethics, Plagiarism, NSD, GDPR Start thinking about thesis writing partners What make s a good thesis group Thesis seminar 2 3 hours very important 2 February (prior to the supervisor allocation) Introduce topics and supervisors Bring in faculty to present their areas of research (or have an overview) Introduce the supervisor allocation process Examples of theses Thesis seminar 3 More variation here – 1-2 April (after the supervisor allocation) How to write the thesis proposal (TP)- examples – process focus More Q&A about writing Make sure thesis partner found (Optional) have second years in to give advice Thesis seminar 4 2-3 hours more important with new schedule 3 September (if physical meeting, before the exchange students leave) Criteria and explanation of Preliminary Thesis Report (PTR) and thesis – reviewing the process Make more concrete and give examples Make sure they have a plan and strategy for research and supervision Plan for completion Recap previous Thesis seminar 5 4 After 15 Jan - Optional Presentation of Preliminary Thesis Report for supervisors

Slides to be developed for thesis seminars: The full process from a student perspective – what is to be done when - ok Grading Criteria overall – ok Hand-in deadlines - ok Changes - ok Supervisor allocation process – what to do and when - ok Grading criteria Thesis Proposal - ok Grading criteria Preliminary Thesis Report – ok GDPR and use of personal information - ok Also mirrored on Student Portal

The master thesis process – an overview Semester Thesis Seminars Assessments Other Activity Seminar Date Assessment Deadline 1 Thesis Seminar 1 September - 2 Thesis Seminar 2 February Thesis Proposal 1 June Supervisor Allocation: survey deadline 30 March Thesis Seminar 3 April 3 Thesis Seminar 4 (online?) August Deadline for changes: 10 January 4 (Thesis Seminar 5) January/ Preliminary Thesis Report 15 January Final Thesis 1 July

The master thesis process for MSc in Business Analytics – an overview Semester Thesis Seminars Assessments Other Activity Seminar Date Assessment Deadline 1 Thesis Seminar 1 September - 2 Thesis Seminar 2 February Supervisor Allocation: survey deadline 30 March Thesis Seminar 3 April 3 Thesis Seminar 4 (online?) August Thesis Proposal 30 September Deadline for changes: 10 January 4 (Thesis Seminar 5) January/ Preliminary Thesis Report 15 January Final Thesis 1 July

Hand in deadlines Normal BI student 1 June 15 January 1 July Thesis Proposal, semester 2 PTR, semester 4 Final thesis, semester 4 Normal BI student 1 June 15 January 1 July Outgoing DD Incoming DD Outgoing QTEM Exchange 3rd semester Business Analytics 30 September 15 February 15 January Fail/ Retake 1 December Postponement (Sickness) 15 February All deadlines are at 12.00 in the middle of the day. If a deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday, it will be postponed to the next working day. If students have to retake or postpone the ‘thesis proposal’ until 30 September, they can still deliver the PTR on 15 January If students have to retake or postpone PTR until 1 June, they have to deliver their ‘final thesis’ on 1 December. If students due to sickness have to postpone PTR until 15 February, they can still deliver their ‘final thesis’ on 1 July. Double Degree students who can document an exceptionally heavy workload may apply by latest 15 December for an extended deadline for PTR delivery until 15 February. No early grading on this. They can still deliver their final thesis on 1 July.

Thesis Proposal – Grading criteria In order to pass the TP, each of the following elements must be included: Identification of a specific and relevant problem/question to be investigated: What do you want to investigate? Why this is relevant and why does it interest you? A list of some of the relevant references for your topic A brief description of the research method with a tentative plan for data collection A plan for the thesis process (including plan for supervision)   There may be different views on the relative importance across the four different elements listed above, or the specific content/scope within each element of a TP depending on your major / MSc programme. This also relate to the overall expected length of the document, varying from 2-3 to 4-5 pages. Consult with your supervisor before you submit your TP to ensure that you meet the existing expectations within your field of study. Your supervisor will evaluate the submitted TP.

Preliminary Thesis Report – Grading criteria To pass the preliminary thesis report, the supervisor evaluates whether you are likely to submit a sufficient final master thesis by 1 July. The evaluation is based on minimum the following elements:   An introduction with a clear research question/problem A literature review The research methodology/design A feasible plan for data collection and analyses, that also complies with legal and ethical regulations (NSD and GDPR) Please consult your supervisor/Associate Dean/Academic coordinator to identify if other specific criteria regarding the content of your preliminary master thesis report apply within your programme/major, which also will be evaluated.

Final thesis - Grading criteria Learning goals Subskills 1.) Students are able to identify and formulate academic topics and problems in the programme area identify, and argue for, a specific and relevant problem/question formulate problem/question use subject-specific terminology & concepts review and discuss academic literature 2.) Students are able to critically investigate theoretical approaches and methods and to select, justify, and apply an analytical framework that is adequate to the specific research question select, justify and apply research design and methods evaluate data quality analyze and interpret data draw conclusions from data and results 3.) Students are able to write and present a master’s thesis that meets the general academic standards of the study discipline organize and carry out the research process develop clear, logical and consistent structure develop a logical, understandable, and structured line of argumentation use correct language, terminology, formatting, citation rules and format 4.) Overall assessment level of difficulty, originality and quality of the research / investigation overall academic rigour per programme/major implications (theoretical, practical and social) per programme/major F E D C B A Not sufficient Satisfactory Sufficient Good Very good Excellent

Allocation of supervisors Available supervisors are presented by your AD/AC, and in the class itslearning group. You will get a Qualtrics survey from the MSc administration, where you fill in: Student ID number - your own and the student you will write with MSc programme (and major) Proposed topic Choice of supervisor, priority 1, 2 and 3 – from a dropdown list Upload ‘proof of agreement in principle to supervise master thesis’ if you have this The survey will be distributed on 15 March, with at deadline on 30 March. Your AD/AC will get the list with the students wishes and will do the resource allocation. You will get information from the MSc administration of the final allocated supervisor by mid-April. If you don’t answer the questionnaire, a supervisor will be assigned to you by your AD/AC in the allocation process.

Deadlines for changes You can apply for change of supervisor, topic and groups until 10 January 4th semester You must fill in and submit the online form Changes made after handing in PTR will be only be accepted in special circumstances

Use of personal information in research projects If you are writing a thesis where you collect, register, process and/or store personal information from respondents that can be identified, you have a legal duty to report this to the data protection officer for research. More information: Student portal NSD – main page NSD – notification test NSD give advice on both collection and whether students need approval or not