Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme "GOOD NEIGHBOURS CREATING COMMON FUTURE" JÓ SZOMSZÉDOK A KÖZÖS JÖVŐÉRT DOBRI SUSEDI ZAJEDNO STVARAJU BUDUĆNOST The programme is financed by the European Union
University of Szeged Bolyai Institute, Department of Medical Physics and Medical Informatics University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences Department of Mathematics and Informatics Teaching Mathematics and Statistics in Sciences: Modeling and Computer-aided Approach
Our webpages:
Events in Szeged Researchers night: Sept 24, 2010 Nature and Math on the Fall Cultural Festival, October, 2010 Conference on Modeling in Life Sciences, December 3, 2010 Closing ceremony of the competition: December 4, 2010 Presence on the Physics Day, January 29, 2011 Simposium on Lattice Theory, February 20, 2011 University spring in Szeged, April,16, 2011
Events in Novi Sad Conference ICTLM, August 24-25, 2010 Geogebra Conference, Jan , 2011 Exhibition on Polyhedra, Virtual flowers, Jan , 2011 Conference of the serbian math. Soc., Jan. 14, 2011 Pannoninan Math Modeling Conference, April 29, 30, 2011
Competitions for high school students Szeged: traditional, Interdisciplinary special prize is funded Novi Sad: new competition series started
Meet the Professors … a new initiative… Professors go to your school, and give lectures in the topic you have selected from our catalog: Lectures were given in Novi Sad 6 times Hódmezővásárhely Békés Planned: in Zenta, Szeged,…
… and … Joint seminars Gifts for the guests Project webpages up to date! Many reports on TV, Radio and newspapers
And now….
Spring School Mathematics and Computer-Aided Modeling in Sciences Szeged: May Novi Sad: May and... an extra course Modeling with Mathematica (Investigation of functions and dynamical systems with computer) Szeged: May
Participants of our classes: Serbia: 17 Romania:13 Hungary: 25 Teachers: 19 High school students: 10 Univ. Students: 18 Researchers: 8 Current, updated school information (not linked) :
Math. analysis and Differential Equations in Sciences (Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Physics) Mathematical Models in Sciences Geometry and Algebra in Sciences Biostatistics for Medicine Numerical Mathematics: mathematics, physics, chemistry, environment protection Common electronic teaching materials Coming soon
Mathematical Models in Sciences: Interesting problems in the everyday life An electronic book Coming soon
New design of our web portal Coming soon
For further events, look at:
Have a good time in Szeged and then, see you again in Novi Sad!