Advocacy for GS: GS enable to track forms of inequality between men and women. Makes gender visible in statistics Is not an isolated field but a perspective that relates to all fields of statistics
What is essential to the production of GS? Step 1 what statistics are needed? What problems and goals are connected with gender issues in your country? Select topics to be investigated Develop data collection methods taking into account stereotypes & social-cultural factors that might produce gender-based biases.
Step 2 Development of analyses & presentation of data that can be easily used by policymakers/planners Policy-oriented approach: give preference to those GS that feed more or less directly into the policy choices.
The first challenge? To convince statisticians, government officials & some users of the importance and need for GS To prove that a gender focus strengthens and improves the whole statistical systems. To engage them in a dialogue To convince them to be trained
“Hitting the nerve” and breaking barriers Explain that adding gender aspect will produce better statistics New data not to show disadvantages of women but to enrich the data with additional information => this will add new clients => increase their prestige =>improve their visibility =>bring more funding =>new incentives =>new alliances
Not a women’s advocate Gain the trust and respect, show an understanding of a “real” statistics Build alliances => other statistical domains in NSO =>Ministries =>Parliament => NGOs =>International agencies =>private sector. Listen carefully to the needs of the ext. allies =>make sure you deliver promised results
Building stones Alliances Top management support Technical management support Funding Specific gender committees The hardest part is to START. Follow best practices (e.g. Sweden – 1980 Equal Opportunities Act, Ministry of EO; Fact book on GS- 1984; 1996 – Engendering Statistics. Aid to many countries…)