Mapping of ecosystems and their services in the EU and its Member States ENV.B.2/SER/2012/0016.


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Presentation transcript:

Mapping of ecosystems and their services in the EU and its Member States ENV.B.2/SER/2012/0016

The Project Team


The Conceptual Framework CONTEXT: Working Group MAES The Conceptual Framework

The First Workshop November The 'survival kit' should provide: Clear instructions on timelines and procedures: organisation of Action 5 work, priorities, milestones and useful experience Clarification of roles between MS and the EU (relevant scales, ecosystems and ecosystem services); Specification of what is to be achieved by 2014. Guidelines to ensure coherence between MS and EU level. Best Practice Book based on example countries. Easy way to access necessary information ( BISE) Clear common definitions of concepts Links to available tools And .... Options for capacity building / traininig The First Workshop November 21-22, 2012


Available information for mapping and assessing ecosystems and their services at EU level HD MSFD WFD FP7 BISE ESTAT EEA JRC MA TEEB CLC ESP GeoBON GBIF PRESS MAES Monitoring and reporting under the Habitats and Birds, the Marine Stategy Framework and the Water Framework Directives FP7 projects: Volante, Liase, Scales, Steps, BiodiversityKnowlegde, Openness, Opera Biodiversity Information System for Europe Data provided by Eurostat, European Environment Agency, Joint Research Centre, RTD, MS, NGOs PEER Research on Ecosystem Services Ecosystem Service Partnership Group on Earth Observations: Biodiversity Observation Network (GEOBON, EBONE) Global Biodiversity Information Facility Corine Land Cover data Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; Sub global assessments (UK, ES, PT, CZ, …) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity; National and regional TEEB studies (Nordic, DE, NL, EU …) From J. Maes 2012, Nov Workshop

CONTACTS IN EUROPE Research team Advisors (Additional) ALTER-Net Partner (Additional) Ispra Workshop Contact WG MAES Advisors WG MAES members

TASK 1.1: BROAD EUROPEAN SURVEY Target: 3 groups of “experts”: Group 1: Policy makers / advisors / analysts Group 2: Scientists Group 3: Mapping professionals The Digital Survey will be created using surveymonkey ).

TASK 1.2: PILOT CASE STUDIES Advanced Member States examples PILOT CASE 1.1: The United Kingdom  UK NEA PILOT CASE 1.2: Spain  Spanish NEA Less advanced Member States examples PILOT CASE 2.1: Belgium  a series of methodological and sub-national cases: BEES  moving to NARA for Action 5 PILOT CASE 2.2: Austria  regional cases;

Example from Flanders: Nature Reports (NARA)2014 – 2018 Mapping of ecosystems & services Scenarios for ecosystems & services Evaluation of policy and management of ecosystems & services

TASK 1: CASE STUDIES Examples outside the EU, with added value to the work carried out in the EU. PILOT CASE 3.1: Switzerland  sub-national cases; PILOT CASE 3.2: A Balkan country (to be selected) Partner to produce case factsheet : ECNC reviewing one or more of the following countries: Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. Marine pilot case: PILOT CASE 4: the Netherlands; Partner to produce case factsheet Alterra /Imares Maybe comparison with UK Marine work

ECOSYSTEM SERVICES ECOSYSTEMS rivers Wood lakes Wet land open Crop Grass Wood rivers lakes open space urban marine Heath

TASK 1.2 Ecosystems and Services for each pilot case Agro Forest Grasslands Heath &Scrubs Wetlands Lakes Rivers Marine Services   Provisioning PC22 PC12, PC21, PC31 PC11 PC32 PC12 PC4 Regulating PC21, PC31 PC21 Habitat Cultural PC21 PC31 PC11 = UK; PC12 = Spain; PC21= Belgium; PC22 = Austria; PC31 = Switzerland; PC32 = Balkan countries; PC4 = North Sea

TASK 2: Research Questions Which indicators reported on under the current EU assessments can potentially be useful for ecosystem services assessments? In which ways are national and regional ecosystem (services) assessments at present using biodiversity information ?

Relationship between the current indicators reported and the link with national reports   HD – Art 17 reporting MSFD – initial assessment Qual. Descr. for good environ. status WFD National reporting Species Favourable conservation status of species under Annex II, IV and V Descriptors 1-4. Biodiversity species level Quality elements for classification of ecological status – biological elements Indicator on state of species Habitats Favourable conservation status of habitats under Annex I Descriptors 1, 5, 6. Biodiversity habitat level Quality elements Physico-chemical conditions Indicator on habitats (if available) Ecosystems - Descriptors 5-6. Biodiversity ecosystem level Quality elements hydromorphological elements Indicator on ecosystems (if available)

Task 3 Gap Identification  via comparative analysis from the case study fact sheets (task 1 and 2) from literature study and consultations in the (scientific) networks, Discussed in 2 day workshop (with Advisors & Steering Group)

MID-PROJECT WORKSHOP 19-20 March 2013 Day 1: Review and evaluation methodologies, parameter and indicator choices, data requirements and representativeness scaling aspects, trade-offs, and multiple services Day 2: Looking forward the current institutional context of the EU and EU accession countries and considerations for the Guidance document (Task 4). the long term ‘Looking forward’ component

Task 4 Guidance Documents Start collecting examples of EU Guidance documents early Preliminary designs of Targeted Guidance Documents (different for different “groups”) Consultation of WG MAES

Additional tasks and requirements   meet with the Commission’s services in Brussels regularly attend meetings of the EU Working Group MAES prepare reporting flow from the project to BISE Make results available to IPBES

PLANNING Date Milestone/activity/deliverable Signing of contract October 31st, 2012 Milestone Draft Inception Report December 5th, 2012 Deliverable Kick off meeting Steering Group Dec 18th, 2012 Draft Interim Report March 10th, 2013 Workshop March 19-21, 2013 Activity Interim report May 1st, 2013 Interim progress meeting May 15th , 2013 consultation results August 31st, 2013 Guidance Document(s) (Draft) Final reportActivity Sept 15th, 2013 Final meeting September 30th, 2013 Milestone/ Printed report October 31st, 2013