2019 Wachusett Shores and PPOA Meeting Sunday June 2, 2019
Agenda Welcome Thanks to all that help keep the Association running Minutes of 2019 PPOA Annual Meeting (Posted in Lodge & on www.PPOA.info) Treasurer’s Report Old Business New Business Vote and set the 2020/2021 Mandatory Maintenance Fee Vote and set the annual PPOA Membership Fee Elections Q&A Adjournment
Thanks Volunteers! Thank you to all of our neighbors who have volunteered to help PPOA throughout the year. It’s your neighborhood, and you help keep it running!
Minutes of 2019 Annual Meeting
Treasurer’s Report Gail Orciuch
TOTAL NET WORTH as of 3/31/2019 Lodge Real Estate $150,000 $140,750 Investment portfolio $229,839 Cash $16,736 Total assets $537,325 Total liability $0 Net worth
Investment Portfolio
Payments History (FY'2011 - FY'2019)
Edward Jones
Edward Jones
FY 2019 Expenses EXPENSES 2019 PLAN 2019 ACTUAL YTD VARIANCE Town Real Estate Taxes $ 3,000.00 $ 1,827.88 $ 1,172.12 United Site Services (Porta Potti) $ 600.00 $ 511.52 $ 88.48 Charter Communications $ 2,500.00 $ 2,545.61 $ (45.61) National Grid (Electric) $ 750.00 $ 867.03 $ (117.03) E.L. Harvey and Sons (Trash) $ 150.00 $ 195.00 $ (45.00) Lodge Security $ 220.00 $ 216.00 $ 4.00 USPS (Stamps) $ 300.00 $ - Broberg Insurance (Liability) $ 4,760.00 $ 4,756.16 $ 3.84 Broberg Insurance (Lodge replacement) $ 1,240.00 $ 1,237.76 $ 2.24 Huhtula Oil (Fuel) $ 1,400.00 $ 1,406.35 $ (6.35) Dept of Revenue 2017 Taxes $ 47.00 $ 703.00 US Dept of Rev /State of Mass/Annual report $ 850.00 $ 79.50 $ 770.50 Commonwealth of Mass (Annual Rpt Filing) $ 18.50 PO Box $ 62.00 E.coli Test (Nashoba Analytical & Rita McConville (WBOH) Web Site Hosting Renewal $ 115.00 $ 118.07 $ (3.07) Lodge inspection: Town of Hubbardston $ 40.00 Leins/LegalFees $ 200.00 $ 2,800.00 Tax Accountant Mailings/Meetings/Supplies $ 350.00 $ 291.23 $ 58.77 Spring Cleanup/Annual Beach Party $ 400.00 $ 489.41 $ (89.41)
MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS 2019 PLAN 2019 ACTUAL YTD VARIANCE Lodge Septic Cleaning $ 200.00 $ - Lodge cleaning & supplies $ 111.13 $ 88.87 General Repairs & Maintenance $ 750.00 $ 817.97 $ (67.97) Tractor fuel & mowing supplies $ 75.00 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 Lodge Well Line Repair $ 2,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 TOT. MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS $ 3,225.00 $ 1,469.10 $ 1,755.90 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 25,330.50 $ 17,919.62 $ 7,410.88
INCOME INCOME 2019 PLAN 2019 ACTUAL YTD VARIANCE Maint Fees (Plan: 189 x $135) $25,515.00 $17,312.00 $(8,203.00) Memberships (Plan: 189 x $33) $6,237.00 $2,475.00 $(3,762.00) Past Due Maint Fees / Interest $15,522.00 $1,129.00 $(14,393.00) Lodge Rentals $350.00 $500.00 $150.00 Interest (GFA Checking) $1.50 $0.96 $(0.54) Interest (GFA Savings) $20.00 $17.65 $(2.35) Other $71.53 $(78.47) Dock Fees $- TOTAL INCOME $47,945.50 $21,656.14 $(26,289.36) OTHER: Town of Hubbardson Tax Refund $104.54 OTHER E. Jones Investments Deposit $10,000.00
Operating Budget
Year End Accounts ACCOUNT BALANCE PORTFOLIO TOTAL GFA Checking $6,509.16 GFA Savings $10,226.36 $16,735.52 Edward Jones Investments $229,838.62 Total $246,574.14
Old Business Lodge Well Property liens on past due assessments with compounded interest Spring cleanup
New Business Recorded changes to Covenants August 26th Annual Summer Beach BBQ & Games Fall clean up September 14th 9:00 am at the Beach Pond beach raking Proposal
Proposal to allocate funds for Hydro-raking Cushman Pond
Our beautiful pond?
Keeping it this way, protects all our home values
Take back your pond Lakes and ponds are born, age and change physically over time. The lifespan is considered complete when organic matter builds up to the point that the waterbody can no longer retain water. This build-up can be caused by years of aquatic plant and algae growth and die back, plant decomposition and erosion.
Take Back Your Pond Hydro-raking (mechanical raking) is an effective technique for selective removal of nuisance, rooted vegetation. It clears years of accumulated bottom sediment and debris (i.e. decaying leaves, peat, etc.). Effectively removes all organic debris from the bottom of a pond that will help to prolong or prevent the need for future dredging.
Advantages of Hydro-Raking Removal of plants, root systems, debris, decaying organic matter, and sediment Can have a positive effect for years Will help reduce overall nutrient load Can clear beach area of plant and sediment Can create boating and fishing channels Can operate in 18 inches to 10 feet of water No chemical introduction or water use restrictions As far as anyone remembers we have never tried this Many other ponds have similar hydroraking programs including Wyman Pond. Hydroraking is different from mechanical harvesting, which Wyman no longer does.
The Proposal Authorize the board to engage with Solitude Lake Management Costs: Biological survey - $2000 to $3000 (Good for 5 years) Permitting - $4000 (Good for 3 years) One time mobilization cost - $2500 for machine and driver 5 days of raking - $9250 ($1850 a day, should take 3 days to do the beach area) Total: $18,750 to $19,750 Solicit and coordinate with those lake abutters who choose to have raking done near their shoreline. The additional cost to each of these abutters would be based upon the extent of raking at their shoreline.
PROPOSED FY2020 MAINTENANCE FEE PROPOSED FY2020 BUDGET EXPENSES 2020 PLAN INCOME Town Real Estate Taxes $ 2,000.00 Lodge Rentals $ 500.00 United Site Services (Porta Potti) $ 800.00 Interest (GFA Checking) $ 1.00 Charter Communications $ 2,500.00 Interest (GFA Savings) $ 20.00 National Grid (Electric) $ 900.00 Dock Fees $ 150.00 E.L. Harvey and Sons (Trash) $ 200.00 TOTAL INCOME $ 671.00 Lodge Security $ 216.00 USPS (Stamps) TOTAL EXPENSES $ 31,287.66 Broberg Insurance (Liability) $ 4,795.16 Broberg Insurance (Lodge replacement) $ 1,001.00 EXPENSES LESS INCOME $ 30,616.66 Huhtula Oil (Fuel) $ 1,500.00 Dept of Revenue 2017 Taxes $ 75.00 US Dept of Rev /State of Mass $ 80.00 Commonwealth of Mass (Annual Rpt Filing) $ 18.50 PROPOSED FY2020 MAINTENANCE FEE $164 PO Box $ 62.00 E.coli Test (Nashoba Analytical & Jessica Day $ 850.00 Web Site Hosting Renewal $ 125.00 Lodge inspection: Town of Hubbardston $ 40.00 (Note: $164 = $30,616 divided by 187 Property Owners) Leins/LegalFees Tax Accountant $ 750.00 Mailings/Meetings/Supplies $ 250.00 Spring Cleanup/Annual Beach Party $ 500.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 18,362.66 MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS $ - Lodge Septic Cleaning Lodge cleaning & supplies $ 150.00 General Repairs & Maintenance Tractor fuel & mowing supplies Lodge Well Line Repair Pond Raking $ 9000.00 (Biological Survey, Permitting & 1 time Mobilization Cost) TOT. MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS $ 12,925.00 $ 31,287.66
Vote For PPOA Board Of Directors President: Bill Homans (2019) Treasurer: Gail Orciuch (2019) Directors: Dave Blad (2019) John Day (2019) Bob Brooks (2019) Bill Poudrier (2019) Dennis Majikas (2019) Clerk: Eric Goodhart (2020) Associate: Jim Ellis Webmaster Brendon Toupense Volunteers are needed!
Thank You