802 Task Force Thurs 10:30-12:30 18 July 2019 Tentative agenda DCN ec-19-0126-00-00EC 802 Task Force Thurs 10:30-12:30 18 July 2019 Tentative agenda Open portion of meeting: IEEE 802 LMSC 40th anniversary 13 March 2020 Ad hoc update discuss move 802 Task Force meeting to TAB meeting venue IEEE SA tools update & discussion, 10 min; Marks or Law MyProject replacement status to be reported via web conference within next few weeks by Newman Review draft letter regarding “old” to “new” transition concerns of the MyProject platform Mentor – no update available Web conferencing service alternative(s) discussion, 10 min; D’Ambrosia 802.3 acquired annual license at low cost that is meeting their needs Bulk Framemaker license discussion, 10 min; Law Highly desirable for IEEE SA to provide a bulk license for WG editors The expense is prohibitively high for WG editors to bear the cost Availability of IEEE statements in response to recent additions to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, https://www.ieee.org/about/news/2019/compliance-with- us-trade-restrictions.html, 5 min; D’Ambrosia Any other business, 5 min, all? Action item review, 5 min, Nikolich Closed portion of meeting: none Adjourn