Fe Angela M. Verzosa Library Director Library Automation and its impact on Strategic Planning: the DLSU Experience Fe Angela M. Verzosa Library Director
Strategic Planning proactive than reactive participative focus on desired outcomes participative
Status of DLSU Student population of 14,000 Faculty of 700 Non-academic staff of 350 Four Campuses Book collection of 180,000 volumes Regular Subscription to 450 journals Special Collections Library personnel of 65
Stages in setting up a system planning specifying requirements selection installation running evaluation
Needs Assessment Survey Respondents priorities access to holdings availability identifying location system design hardware software
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS providing public access to catalogs managing circulation of materials acquisition of new materials controlling serial publications retrieval of information from databases networking/linkages with other libraries use of interlending/document supply services
COMPUTERIZATION GOALS access to nformation and use of collections access to national and international bibliographic networks library networking
computerization project’s TIME LINE 1986 training of system librarian in Australia 1988 IIC bookdatabase 1988-89 installation of computers 1989 training and application of CDS-ISIS software to articles 1990-1992 expansion of databases 1993 OPAC, DIALOG, WILSONDISCS and HERDIN
computerization project’s TIME LINE 1994 4 OPAC terminals, 7 286 PCs, 6 databases, 12 CD titles, 2 multimedia computers, email facility, LAN, Internet 1995 launching of ESEP Network, installation of TINLIB OPAC, Bibliofile conversion of backfiles, barcoding, FAX, Library Webpage 1996 upgraded computers (70), TINLIB cataloging, Cybernook, OCLC F Search
ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS ACCOMPLISHMENTS first Library to provide online public access via INTERNET two OPACs (Tinlib & CDS-ISIS) 11 Databases installed
INTEGRATED SYSTEMS Accomplishments Cataloging Circulation Issues/Concerns/ Lessons learned Hardware Upgrading Additional licenses Software problems
Other Accomplishments CD-ROM Technology Interlending and Document-delivery Networking/Linkages
Lessons in Security crime includes theft, physical damage and computer misuse (requiring need for password, locks, alarms, anti-virus) natural hazards (such as floods, fire, earthquakes, lightning, power outages) accidents (from power overload, broken wires, trailing cables) malfunctions (system or human failure)
Post-implementation evaluation where the goals met by the system ? were the provisions in contract fulfilled ? is the system fine-tuned ? how well does the system satisfy demands placed on it by users ? what complaints have not been solved ? was the money well-spent ? was it worth the time and effort ?
Success factors right product right people right time right cost