Chapter 8—Secondary Authority Legal Periodicals
Legal Periodicals Purpose and research role
Legal Periodicals Types Law reviews Bar association and other association publications Commercial publications Legal newspapers and news- letters
Legal Periodicals Research aids Index to Legal Periodicals (I.L.P.). Subject/author index, table of cases, table of statutes, book review index Current Law Index (C.L.I.). Subject index, author/title index, table of cases, table of statutes Legal Resource Index (L.R.I.) Other periodical indexes
Chapter 8— Secondary Authority Legislative History
Legislative History Purpose and research role Sources—Congressional bills, committee hearings committee reports, congressional debates
Legislative History Research sources Compiled legislative histories Congressional Information Service (CIS) United States Code Congressional and Administrative News Service (USCCAN) Congressional Record Congressional Index Congressional and other sources Computer-aided research
Chapter 8—Secondary Authority Restatements of the Law
Restatements of the Law Purpose and research role Areas of the law covered
Restatements of the Law Features Organization Restatement of the law Comments and reporter’s notes Cross references and appendix volumes Updates and index
Restatements of the Law Research aids Index Table of contents Appendix volumes
Chapter 8— Secondary Authority Uniform Laws and Model Acts
Uniform Laws and Model Acts Purpose and research role
Uniform Laws and Model Acts Features Organization Uniform law Commissioners’ notes Library references Notes to decisions Tables, updates, and index
Restatements of the Law Research aids Uniform Laws Annotated, Master Edition—includes a Directory of Uniform Acts and Codes: Tables and Codes Reference from other sources