Natures Notebook A USA National Phenology Network program for ecological monitoring and information management
The USA National Phenology Network Nature's Notebook A case study: invasive species management Outline
A new data resourcea national network of integrated phenological observations across space and time The Network
Key Goal Understand how plants, animals and landscapes respond to environmental variation and climate change The Network
Mission Make phenology data, models, and related information available to scientists, resource managers, and the public 2005 Start of Season (SOS) Fires in western US
Steve Ringman, The Seattle Times Encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to observe and record phenology Mission
Strategic goals Develop a national phenology information management system Develop partnerships for implementation Facilitate phenology science and research Facilitate development of decision-support tools Conduct and facilitate education and outreach Develop a national phenology monitoring system
The USA National Phenology Network Nature's Notebook A case study: invasive species management Outline
Multi-taxa, national-scale monitoring system a project of the USA-NPN
Event ActivityReproductionDevelopment Day of year Status Advanced monitoring protocols a project of the USA-NPN Status & Abundance
Go to plant/animal spp. Status + abundance Core protocols Shared sites Web services Coming soon 300 new plant spp. Mobile apps Improved UI Metadata: method used, effort reporting, condition of site & organism, etc. a project of the USA-NPN
Nationally distributed observation sites 3,160 observers at 4,412 sites observing 5,459 organisms Feb '11 a project of the USA-NPN
Over 600,000 records to date
a project of the USA-NPN Integration with climatological data
a project of the USA-NPN Species-specific queries and animations
a project of the USA-NPN See, map and compare your data
Data, metadata, documentation freely available a project of the USA-NPN
The USA National Phenology Network Nature's Notebook A case study: invasive species management Outline
Courtesy Julio Betancourt
Continuous flowering and seeding Windows of (green) opportunity Flowers present Seeds present