Sensory neurons grow and downregulate UCHL1 expression levels during postnatal maturation. Sensory neurons grow and downregulate UCHL1 expression levels during postnatal maturation. HCS microscopy was applied to analyze sensory neurons from newborn rats (P0), and rats that were 10 days (P10), 6 weeks (W6), 12 months (M12) and 24 months (M24) old. (A) Representative images and their automated analysis are shown. Green- or red-encircled neurons indicate automatically selected or rejected objects, respectively. Scale bar: 100 µm. (B) Two-dimensional density plots of UCHL1 intensity versus the cell soma area. UCHL1 intensities were normalized to the W6 age group (mean value of 1000, arbitrary unit), which was always measured as internal reference. Each plot shows data for >3×104 neurons from 4–8 replicate experiments. (C) Distribution of UCHL1 intensities for the same neurons as shown in B. UCHL1 was downregulated postnatally between P0 and P10. (D) Size distributions of the same neurons as shown in B. Sensory neurons grow from 337±202 μm2 at birth to 845±544 μm2 at 2 years of age. The heterogeneity of soma size increases with age, resulting in broader distributions. PDE, probability density estimate. Joerg Isensee et al. J Cell Sci 2017;130:2134-2146 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd