An abundance of graduates, but too few skilled workers? 1 Setting the scene; # graduates, # skills shortage vacancies 2 Higher Education labour market alignment; a definition 3 A framework for systematic data analysis 4 Systematic data analysis
Who were the 777,005 graduates in 2017/18? Source: HESA 2019
How has this population changed over time? Source: HESA 2019
How many employers report different types of vacancies? Source: Employer Skills Survey 2018
What causes skills shortages in ‘professional’ roles? Source: Employer Skills Survey 2018
Higher Education labour market alignment; a definition “A process of systematic data analysis to inform the development of curricular and non-curricular activities to align graduates’ skills with labour market needs. In a way that supports students’ own career goals, aligns with institutional strategy and reflects current economic conditions.” (Clearly and Van Noy, 2014)
Higher Education labour market alignment; a definition “A process of systematic data analysis to inform the development of curricular and non-curricular activities to align graduates’ skills with labour market needs. In a way that supports students’ own career goals, aligns with institutional strategy and reflects current economic conditions.” (Clearly and Van Noy, 2014)
Labour Market Mechanism
Labour Market Mechanism
Systematic data analysis Students Employers Institutions Others; policy makers, schools and parents Primary data collection methods Secondary data sources
Students National Student Survey Destination of Leavers of Higher Education, Graduate Outcomes Longitudinal Educational Outcomes, LEO Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework Complete University Guide
League tables performance Systematic data analysis Subject area League tables performance (vs. competitors) Student Satisfaction Sector Forecast SWOT Outcome Subject A avg-weak weak strong Weakness Subject B average Opportunity Subject C mixed Subject D Strength Subject E Subject F Subject G Subject H Subject I Subject J Subject K Subject L Subject M Subject N Subject O
Employers Employers Skills Survey ‘Working Futures’ ‘The Future of Skills’ NOMIS Local Enterprise Partnerships Profile Occupational Information Network (O*NET9) Job adverts via process of ‘web scraping’
Systematic data analysis Source: NESTA
Others National pupil database (NPD) Individualised Learner Record (ILR) Local authority population projects International Education Strategy; global potential, global growth Realising the potential of technology in education
Systematic data analysis Source: ONS
The are several definitions of labour market alignment The process involves balancing complex stakeholder needs, which is key to success We live in a world rich with open source data The number of 18 year olds in the UK is set to increase Read the sector press, with a healthy does of this alongside
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