Mussolini and Government How did Mussolini use the King? What was the role of government ministers? What were the key dates in the demise of Parliament?
Powerful groups Why was Mussolini keen to avoid a wholesale sacking of the civil service? How did Mussolini encourage loyalty? Why did the Fascist party complain about the civil service? How did Mussolini gain support in the armed forces? In what ways did Mussolini intervene in the judiciary? To what extent did Mussolini control local government?
How did Mussolini gain the support of the Vatican? What were the Lateran agreements? How did the Vidoni pact help Mussolini’s relations with industry?
The Fascist Party (PNF) What was the overall relationship between Mussolini and the PNF Why would mussolini have felt threatened by his early relationship with the party particularly the Ras? How did Mussolini seek to gain the loyalty of the Fascist party? How did Mussolini finalise his control over the party? What were the divisions in the Fascist party and how did they strengthen Mussolini’s position? How did the supporters of the PNF change? Why did no serious rival to il Duce ever emerge?
Relations between party and state? Why were there rivalries between the party and government institutions and how did these rivalries increase Mussolini’s power? How efficent was the fascist government?
Relationship with the Church – the nature and significance of the Lateran Treaties How far do you agree that the Catholic Church and the traditional elites aided Mussolini in his consolidation of power in the years 1922-29?