MLA Citations and Parenthetical Citations
What are we doing today? Learning the difference between plagiarism vs. paraphrasing & quoting Learning how to incorporate MLA Citations: Websites (review), Books, Reference, Periodical, Interview
What is Plagiarism? “…Taking and passing off as one’s own someone else’s work or ideas (from Latin plagiārius, kidnapper, literary thief).” ~ Macmillan Dictionary ANY TIME YOU USE SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA, cite it.
Perhaps you already knew that, but did you know this is plagiarism too? Using three or more consecutive words from a source without using quotations, even if you have cited it Keeping the original order of ideas or sentence structure and simply switching it out with a synonym even if cited Not using ANY of your own ideas (entire paper is in quotations and/or cited) Parenthetical citations do not lead to the right source Inaccurately paraphrasing or misrepresenting the authors intentions (putting words in their mouths)
What’s The Big Deal? If you plagiarize: In the “Real World,” if you plagiarize, you may… Be expelled from college the first time Lose your job Lose recommendations to another college or job Be sued by the person whose idea you “borrowed” Be completely humiliated when called out CNN: Fox:
I’m going to walk you through the citation process for the site below: school-study-shows-3811037.php
Before we get into plagiarism, let’s figure out how to create MLA citations and parenthetical citations. Step 1: Start a Microsoft Word doc to keep track of your sources. Later, you will correctly format this document and use it as your Works Cited. Source: Easy bib: MLA Citation: O'Brien, Shauna. “Coca Cola Vs. Pepsi: Comparing Sales, Earnings & More.”, Mitre Media, 22 Jan. 2015, Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.
Parenthetical Citations MLA Citation: O'Brien, Shauna. “Coca Cola Vs. Pepsi: Comparing Sales, Earnings & More.”, Mitre Media, 22 Jan. 2015, charts-that-compare-coca-cola-and-pepsico-ko-pep/. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017. Look at which information comes first in order to create a parenthetical (in-text citation). See research packet for more info! This source begins with an author name. Take the author’s last name only, and search the rest of the citation for a page number. If there is none, simply use the author’s last name. Parenthetical citation: (O’Brien)
Parenthetical (in-text) citations (This info is in your research packet) Author and page #: (Martinez 5) For websites, you don’t usually have a page number: (Martinez) Sometimes you don’t have an author either! Use an abbreviated title of the article: (“Pollution”) …because the IDEA is not yours!
Pop Quiz: What are the parenthetical citations for these sources? Works Cited Berman, Morris. The Twilight of American Culture. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000. Netlibrary. Web. 22 Aug. 2009. Curtin, Michael F. “Media and the Degradation of Language: The Tides of Vulgarity Can be Countered.” Vital Speeches of the Day 72.20-21 (Aug. 2006): 578-580. Print. “The Liberal Arts in the Age of Info-Glut.” Chronicle of Higher Education 1 May 1998: 4- 5. Print.
(Berman) (Curtin 578-580) (“Liberal Arts” 4-5) Check your answers! (Berman) (Curtin 578-580) (“Liberal Arts” 4-5)
You try! Source: earnings-stock/ Easy bib: Easy bib: Submit your completed citation as well as a parenthetical citation to upon completion.