Human Growth and Development Day #9 October 3, 2012
Agenda Complete answer sheets and submit tests Rough and tumble play – weapons as toys Wesley – first two years Freudian Psychosexual Stages Eriksonian Psychosocial Stages Piaget’s stages of cognitive development Vygotsky Kohlberg
Review Again Nervous System Development
Pinky and Brain (short commercial before film) The Brain Brain Nerve Impulse Pinky and Brain (short commercial before film)
Types of Play* Sensorimotor Play Parallel Play Rough and Tumble Play Play Face Mastery Play Dramatic Play * not a complete list; categories are not mutually exclusive
First two years of Wesley’s life
First clearly delineated “stage theory” Sigmund Freud First clearly delineated “stage theory” Human development proceeds in orderly stages; one stage must be reached before the next stage can happen Controversial Failure to attain success is called fixation.
Psychosexual Stages Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital
Oral Stage Focus on the the mouth from birth to 1 year feeding, sucking, babbling, blowing bubbles, etc. from birth to 1 year fixation = oral-aggressive or oral-receptive
Anal Stage Focus on the anal sphincter muscles Toilet-training:freedom and control issues: own body, parents fixation = anal-retentive and anal-expulsive
Phallic Stage Centered on the genitals, especially the penis. Awareness of sex and gender differences Identification with and role-play of same sex parent
Phallic Symbols
Phallic Stage Fixation = Oedipus complex in boys and Electra complex in girls castration anxiety for males penis envy in females
Latency and Genital Stage Most challenging development happens on oral, anal and phallic stages latency - repressed sexuality due to unconscious guilt Genital stage - adolescence renewed interest in genital stimulation; adult sexuality
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Infancy = Basic trust versus mistrust Toddlerhood = autonomy versus shame and doubt Preschool = initiative versus guilt
Social Learning Theory Modeling: Learning by observation and imitation learned aggressiveness and learned helplessness Importance of television and other media on learning
Cognitive Development Piaget children actively seek to comprehend their world infants do think contrary to the “no talk; no thought” ideas
Cognition Active intelligence functions through senses and motor skills Toddler is the “little scientist” Piaget sees development in stages
Sensorimotor thinking Piaget’s first stage Sensorimotor thinking substages 1 & 2 relate to reflexes substages 3 & 4 relate to objects and people; responding to people substages 5 & 6 relate to action and ideas
Preoperational thinking Piaget’s second stage Preoperational thinking acquisition of information and basic skills to manipulate information and perform operations
Piaget: Key Concepts Object permanence understanding that objects and people continue to exist even though they cannot be seen marks transition to preoperational thinking Why is “peek-a-boo” so much fun to play?
object permanence is acquired gradually active searching requires motivation and memory and motor ability
Piaget: Key Concepts for pre-operational thinking Egocentrism Conservation Animism Centration Reversibility
Rethinking Piaget Is the timetable too rigid? Are the stages too sequential? Actual development seems to occur much less evenly Perhaps Piaget was not wrong, just not complete Reality includes more diversity
Cultural goals rather than maturational milestones Vygotsky Social activity rather than individual discovery Cultural goals rather than maturational milestones Guided assistance enables a child to independently accomplish the tasks
Vygotsky Difference between actual and potential development is represented by the ZPD or Zone of Proximal Development social context determines how and when a person moves through his/her ZPD
Vygotsky Since every culture values certain cognitive skills more than others, it is not surprising that cultural variations exist. There is also a family context
LanguageDevelopment Cognitive development supports and is aided by language development
Language Development Competency develops first in language function ( uses of language) then on structure (sequence of words in sentence, grammar rules, etc.)
Chomsky All children have an innate predisposition to learn language. This is known as a Language Acquisition Device or LAD
Related terms Over-extension Over-regularization over-generalization of a set of words to inappropriate objects Over-regularization over-application of rules; same rules; all situations
Vocabulary Development Predictable sequence first nouns then verbs then adjectives and adverbs then conjunctions, pronouns, etc.
Related concepts Private speech = Vygotsky’s idea that children review what they know and regulate their actions accordingly Through social use of language children incorporate potential learning into actual development
Ponder these What can be done to stimulate a child’s language development? What is the difference between speech and language? What cues tell you that a child’s speech and language may not be developing normally? Special ability issues?
Assignment Finish Chapter 3 - 4