Writing 1.Ahmed has excellent grades. He respects his teachers. How many sentences ? How many ideas ? ( 2 sentences – 2 ideas )Make them 1 sentence ? 2. Ahmed has excellent grades, and he respects his teachers. ( 1 sentences – 2 ideas ) Linking word ( 2 sentences – 2 ideas ) Linking word 3. ……………………………………………. ………………………………………………………... Ahmed has excellent grades. And he respects his teachers. We need another linking with the same meaning, but after full stop. 4. Ahmed has excellent grades. In addition, he respects his teachers. Linking words Noticing – The use of a linking word : We use a linking word to join : a. Two ideas b. Two sentences. And / In addition mean : Contrast - Cause - Addition Teacher : M. ELKADAOUI
ExamplesLinking words Meaning 1.Ahmed has excellent grades, and he respects his teachers. 2.Ahmed has excellent grades. In addition, he respects his teachers And In addition Addition 2.I want to go to school, but I am sick. 3.I was sick. However, I went to school. But However Contrast cause 4.Ahmed passed the exams, because he studied hard. 5.Ahmed passed the exams, for he studied hard. because for 6.Ahmed studied hard, so he passed the exams. 7.Ahmed studied hard. That’s why, he passed the exams. so That’s why Result / Effect We use linking words to join two ideas in one sentence or two separated sentences. We use linking words to express different meanings: Addition / Contrast / Cause / Result … Linking words : and / in addition / but / However / because / for / so / that’s why …
Exercise 1: Complete with : for – however – but – that’s why 1.Karim is a good student, …………… he wants to leave the school. 2.Let’s go swimming, ……………… it’s hot today. 3.He spent all his time on Facebook. …………. he failed the exams. 4.I was sick. ……………….. I went to school. Exercise 2: Join the sentences with the linking word. Mark studied hard. He passed the exams ( so) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark studied hard. He passed the exams ( because ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. Mar is often absent. He has good grades. ( However ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. I want to go to the park. It is raining. ( but) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Her father advised her to study Biology. Amina is excellent at English (However) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Ahmed revised his lessons very well. He got an excellent mark ( because ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark studied hard, so he passed the exams. Mark passed the exams, because he studied hard, but for That’s why However Mark is often absent. However, he has good grades I want to go to the park, but it is raining. Amina is excellent at English. However, her father advised her to study Biology. Ahmed got an excellent mark, because he revised his lesson very well.
1.I am good at English. That’s why _________________________ 2.My English is not excellent. However, __________________________ 3.I want to be a teacher of English, because ____________________________ 4.I am having a holiday, but ________________________________ 5.I like watching movies. In addition, ______________________ Production : Complete these examples about you : Free Production : Write a short paragraph with 3 or 4 sentences about you, using the linking words you have learned. Teacher : M. ELKADAOUI