ISO/TC 154 ISO/TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration
ISO/TC 154 Mission ISO/TC 154 The mission of ISO/TC 154 is both to undertake and to facilitate the development and maintenance of international standards for data exchange in the value chain. These standards cover data exchange regardless of the media used. Wherever possible, ISO/TC 154 fosters harmonisation between and within international standards development organizations, particularly through the e-business MoU MG.
ISO/TC 154 Structure ISO/TC 154 TC 154/Joint WG 1 Joint syntax working group (with UN/ECE) TC 154/WG 2 SDMX TC 154/ Joint WG 2 eLK (electronic Layout Key) (with UN/ECE) TC 154/WG 3 CCTS - Core Component technical Specification TDED Maintenance Agency (with UN/ECE)
ISO/TC 154 ISO/TC 154 and UN/CEFACT 3 joint working groups between ISO/TC 154 and UN/ECE Participation of UN/CEFACT people in WG2 (SDMX) and WG3 (CCTS) Last plenary meeting: 80% of participants also participate in UN/CEFACT…
ISO/TC 154 Opportunities for future collaboration between ISO/TC 154 and UN/CEFACT Make use of opportunities that ISO/TC 154 offers: ISO: a well known brand ISO standards may be adopted on a national or regional level: For example EN ISO standard -> mandatory adoption of EN ISO standard by all CEN members (CEN members: 30 European countries) Adoption of certain UN/CEFACT standards as ISO standards by ISO/TC 154 could prevent that other ISO technical committees start to develop ISO standards that duplicate the work of UN/CEFACT or that are in conflict with existing UN/CEFACT standards.