Aid to Users Selection of GSICS Products Thoughts on need for RAC/ARC products Tim Hewison EUMETSAT
Conceptual Flow Diagram to Select Product Q1 Q2 NRTC RAC Q3 Prime
What are the Questions? Do you care about satellite instrument calibration? (!) Check the ReadMe for each product! Establish typical calibration errors for the instruments/channels being used Mean bias Variability How sensitive are your products to these changes? Don‘t bother! Apply static correction Apply dynamic correction Is it a near real-time application? Yes - Then you need the NRTC!
What more Questions? Does your application cover the period of mulitple reference instruments? No – Just use NRTC/RAC Yes – Then: How sensitive is your application to typical changes between references? (Obviously need to know what these are!) Sensitive – Then use a Prime Correction Not sensitive – don‘t worry! Need to provide information to potential users: Mean Bias + Temporal Stabilty (for each channel) + variability/uncertainty Spectral (inter-channel) Repeat for Prime Corrections – Double-difference by-products Based on ECV Inventory
Example from SEVIRI-IASI User Guide Table 1 Summary Statistics of Pre-Operational GSICS Re-Analysis Correction for Meteosat-10/SEVIRI in Full Disc Scanning in the period 2014-12-20/2015-07-20 (All Uncertainties are k=1) Meteosat/ SEVIRI Channel IR 3.9 6.2 7.3 8.7 9.7 10.8 12.0 13.4 m Standard Radiance (as Tb) 284 236 255 261 286 285 267 K Mean Bias (SEVIRI-IASI) for Standard Radiance Scenes +0.60 -0.15 +0.08 -0.05 +0.05 +0.04 -0.86 Standard Deviation of Bias for Standard Radiance Scenes 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.10 Median Uncertainty of Bias for Standard Radiance Scenes 0.008 0.006 0.009 0.007 Random Uncertainty estimated as rolling standard deviation of Bias over 29d 0.011 0.012 0.015 0.010 Total Systematic Uncertainty from [Hewison, 2013] 0.003 0.002 0.004
Quick-look User Guides Disussion Would it help users to be able to quickly find: „Typical“ Mean Bias? & Calibration Variability? Uncertainty of GSICS Correction? For each channel of monitored instruments? Does this information need to be static/dynamic? Is it a „GSICS Product“? Does this information need to be centralised? Or can we make a template for agencies to provide this info? e.g. On Instrument Information landing pages? Link to GSICS Product Catalog entry? How to integrate into guide to select GSICS products?
What about RAC/ARC? For discussion 9a on Friday What is the difference between a Prime RAC and an Archive Re-Calibration? Consistent processing versions? Timeliness? Something else? Do we need both? Can GSICS support Archive Re-Calibration products? Aren‘t they FCDRs?
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