Who cares about mental illness? Dr Helen Sharrard, Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Kate Franklin, Trainee Psychiatrist
What is mental illness? A mental illness is a condition that impacts a person's thinking, feeling or mood and may affect his or her ability to relate to others and function on a daily basis
What is a psychiatrist? A doctor Works together with patients and a large multidisciplinary team Concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health conditions So…. What is normal?
Many other options….. Social Worker - Improves housing situation, advice on debts Psychologist – Tests IQ, treats with talking therapies Psychiatric nurse – gives medications, supports, monitors mental state Occupational therapist – measures function, adapts environment And others: speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, managers, admin staff
So…. What is normal? We all experience a wide range of emotions….. Can you recognise what these are?
Anger Fear Disgust Surprise Happiness Sadness
What is normal? Some things are categorically abnormal: Seeing things which turn out not to be there Hearing voices Believing that aliens are controlling you Most psychiatric symptoms are extensions of normal emotions and behaviour
Symptoms e.g. emotions Time
Symptoms e.g. emotions Severity Increased Baseline Time
How common is mental illness? No health without mental health (2011) Mental ill health represents up to 23% of the total burden of ill health in the UK – the largest single cause of disability
No health without mental health HM Government 2011 During their lifetime: At least one in four people will experience a mental health problem Almost half of all adults will experience at least one episode of depression
How common is mental illness? One in ten new mothers experiences postnatal depression Self-harming in young people is not uncommon (10–13% of 15– 16-year-olds have self-harmed)
Stephen Fry – Bipolar Affective Disorder
Franki Sandford Anxiety and Depression Katie Price Postnatal Depression
Sheldon Cooper – Autism Spectrum Disorder Robin Williams – Suffered with depression and Lewy Body Dementia
Mental health in the media
Categories of mental disorder
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