© DynEd International, Inc. Let’s Go 1 Unit 2 Lesson Plan 5 June 2018 © DynEd International, Inc. www.en.dyned.com.cn
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? G2: I’m good. G1: I’m sad G2: I’m excited. G1: I’m fine. G1: I’m happy G1: I’m excited. G2: I’m sad. G2: I’m fine.
a b c apple bat cat cake Aa ant Bb bag Cc ball car bird book
ball bag cake cake apple bird bat ban cake cat ball bird ant ape apple car cake ant ape apple bird bat ban car cake cat bag ball bird ant ape apple cake cat car
ball car apple bat cake bag ant cat
blue red yellow green purple orange brown black pink gray white
G1 G2 G3 orange brown green purple green white black brown black green pink gray red yellow black green white gray blue
orange yellow purple brown black green white blue gray pink red
? .
? .
? .
? ? ? ? ? A B C D ? ? ? ? E F G H
Raise your hand. Write your name. Pick up your pencil. Look at the board. Put your pencil down. Take out your book. Put your hand down. Put your book away.
Pick up your pencil. Write your name. Put your hand down. Group1 Pick up your pencil. Write your name. Put your hand down. Look at the board. Raise your hand. Group2 Put your book away. Write your name. Put your pencil down. Take out your book. Write your name.
1 2 Raise your hand. 8 Put your hand down. 2 3 4 Take out your book. 3 (Click to show “Raise your hand”.) 1 2 Raise your hand. 8 Put your hand down. 2 3 4 Take out your book. 3 Write your name. 5 4 5 6 Pick up your pencil. Put your book away. 6 Look at the board. 7 7 8 Put your pencil down. 1
gab bag ball allb bird irbd cat tac ant nta geenr black green kcalb white ethiw erd ygra gray red
DynEd International, Inc. Thank You DynEd International, Inc. www.en.dyned.com.cn