Alberta Queen’s Printer Queen’s Printer Association of Canada Inter-Jurisdictional Meeting 2014
Alberta Queen’s Printer The official source of Government of Alberta laws, the Alberta Gazette, and legislative publications since 1906 Offers more than 1,900 legislative products in a variety of formats In addition to online purchasing, customers can access Alberta’s laws for free in HTML and PDF formats on the Queen’s Printer website Efficiently delivers products and services to Albertans, Canadians, and international customers - orders are received online, by phone, by fax, by mail, and in person
Resources - People and Tools 10 FTEs and 1 temp salary staff member Dedicated IT resource team on contract Ministry and Corporate support for IT security - CIO Office Marketing efforts RSS feeds e-Bookmark Twitter Subscription renewals What’s new features for legislative materials
Resources – Systems and Applications Catalogue and Subscription System (CASS) catalogue maintenance subscription maintenance Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics supply chain software supports all sales, A/R, Inventory, Purchasing and GL Queen’s Printer Website provides free public access full e-Commerce solution for print and electronic copies QP Source Professional Subscription-based resource providing full access and search functionality to electronic documents
Cross Ministry Partnerships Alberta Queen’s Printer currently partners with the following Ministries to publish and distribute their materials: Energy Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Human Services Jobs, Skills and Labour Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Safety Codes Council Service Alberta Transportation Tourism, Recreation and Parks – Travel Alberta
Alberta Queen’s Printer – Our Experience with Digital Delivery Clients download over 2 million legislative items on our websites annually Clients expect and appreciate instant delivery of electronic documents Clients are willing to pay the same price for electronic documents due to convenience factors Professional users value the advanced access that QP Source Professional provides 6
Benefits of Partnering with Alberta Queen’s Printer Supports the one window approach which enables government to act as one entity and facilitates easy access to programs and services for ministries and Albertans Fits into Service Alberta’s mandate to deliver high quality, coordinated business, financial and technology services to government ministries Alberta Queen’s Printer staff have over 130 years of combined publishing and distribution experience 7
2013/14 Accomplishments Prepared a review of the Alberta Queen’s Printer operation to our Executive Team members Identifying areas for efficiency improvements and opportunities Implemented a technology solution and business process changes for telephone credit card transactions – being 100% PCI compliant with credit card numbers and access to them being out of scope Managed a system upgrade to Windows 7, IE 8 and Office 2010 8
2013/14 Accomplishments continued New distribution source for Ministry clients who were impacted by the LRC closure Safety Codes Council Transportation Municipal Affairs New distribution source for official Travel Alberta consumer products
Current initiatives that are in progress Results Based Budgeting review of Alberta Queen’s Printer Ensures that we look at efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and sustainability Stakeholder sessions to gather input from clients Ensure that we provide open and easy access to the laws Embrace the opportunities, partner with Legislative Council to adopt new technologies to modernize drafting and publishing of the laws Opportunities to expand as the enterprise solution for publishing and distributing official Government materials Ministerial Orders Project
Operational Statistics Service Delivery Staff answered 13,399 calls (6% increase) Gross revenue $1.856M (32% increase) 171,611 legislative materials distributed (14% increase) Published Legislative Changes 468 new or amended Statutes 35 Statues were repealed 415 new or amended Regulations 21 Regulations were repealed A total of 934 legislative changes were published (24% increase)
Electronic Access to the Laws – 2013/14 Statistics Queen’s Printer website Increased web trends Added Treasury Boards Directives to the collection Over 2.124 million legislative retrievals (21% increase) Alberta Gazette was referenced 125,852 times (3.5% decrease) Orders in Council were referenced 118,714 times (17.5% increase) QP Source Professional 732 licensed permits Accessed 54,875 times (6% decrease) 117,298 searches were performed (7% decrease)
How Citizens Gain Access to Legislative Materials
Questions? Thank you for your interest in Alberta Queen’s Printer. Gisele Abt Manager, Alberta Queen’s Printer 780-422-5647