The traditional census is among the most complex and massive peacetime exercises a nation undertakes. It requires; Mapping the entire country, Mobilizing.


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Presentation transcript:

The traditional census is among the most complex and massive peacetime exercises a nation undertakes. It requires; Mapping the entire country, Mobilizing and training an army of enumerators, Conducting a massive public campaign, Canvassing all living units and households, Collecting individual information, Capturing data from vast amounts of questionnaires, Evaluating the final results Analyzing and disseminating the data.

Purpose: 1. to provide guidance and assistance to countries in the planning and conducting of their population and housing census; 2. to facilitate and improve the comparability of the data at regional level through the selection of a core set of census topics1 and the harmonization of definitions and classifications. Compiled since 1958 by the United Nations Statistics Division and regional UN Statistical units (like UN Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division and Eurostat)

A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. In addition, a "best" practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. Best practice is used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use.

Accumulated from the experiences of all the countries in the world since... the middle of the XVIII century Each decennial Census Round they are revised, updated and adapted to new developments and technologies

Some statistics: Since April 2007, 8 missions, excluding this conference, totalizing about 55 working days + one year in remote assistance mode 665 s (one side) And also Skype and telephone discussions, etc.

International Recommendations and harmonized definitions and classifications have been always considered the basis of the Belarusian Census planning process (together with previous censuses experience and the local specific situation)

The expertise and knowledge on census taking was there The commitment to high quality and performance was there Lack of expertise with new technologies in the Census (And because of that a slight lack of self confidence) Full readiness to adopt (after proper scrutiny) International Recommendations and Best Practices advise

Limited experience in producing diversified census products The need to improve the quality of the census data and its evaluation Lack of experience in the use of new technologies of Data Capture (Optical Data Entry systems) and GIS

Funds mobilization RFP preparation Tendering process ODE System creation ODE System testing Logistics Great success

Concluding remark The government of the Republic of Belarus has committed itself for the conduction of a national population census in To make sure that this enormous and expensive statistical operation would be successful, the Ministry of Statistics needs external technical assistance in terms of both funds and technical support.

Concluding remark …I can recognize the continuous development of the census plans and appreciate the readiness and capability of the Census Department and specially its Director to introduce many of the recommended improvements into the census plans.

Concluding remark …it is clear that the census plans are developing rapidly and many of the recommended improvements by international consultants have been already included in the census plans…

Concluding remarks The 2009 Census provided Belstat not only with the data collected, that seems to be of high quality, but also produced an important additional asset in the form of a group of specialists that know much better today how a census needs to be planned and conducted. It is important to make sure that the knowledge accumulated in the last census is properly reinvested in the planning of the next census...perhaps considering new approaches to census taking…

Qualified staff in all fields Thirsty to learn from other countries experiences A pleasure to work with you

Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Mrs. Elena Kukharevich Former Census Director, Mrs. Svetlana Novoselova Belstat Census Team - all of you UNFPA Belarus, and in particular Ms. Tatyana Haplinchik (and her team over the last 3 years)

A census is not complete until the information collected is made available to potential users in a form suited to their needs (UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, DESA/SD, par , pp. 49) 18


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