Your turn: Spot the Fake News!
It’s Jan. 24, 2017 and you see this tweet. What is it? Real Fake Satire
You see this story appear on your Facebook feed. What is it? Real Fake Satire
You see this story on What is it? Real Fake Satire
You see this story on Twitter. What is it? Real Fake Satire
It’s Sept. 29, 2011 and you see this tweet. What is it? Real Fake Satire
Your Aunt sends you this story on Facebook. What is it? Real Fake Satire
Your skimming the headlines on RSS reader Feedly and see this Your skimming the headlines on RSS reader Feedly and see this. What is it? Real Fake Satire
Somebody sends you this story over Facebook Messenger. What is it? Real Fake Satire