10/12/15 Journal Discussion Questions Using your textbook or smart phone, please answer the following: 1. Compare and contrast passive and active transport. 2. How are diffusion and osmosis different? 3. Create an analogy: the chloroplast is like???? Mahalo osmosis vs diffusion
Reminders *Test and Quiz make ups, tutoring during PLC on TUES and THURS *Final Draft of your background research report was due at midnight last night. *Cell Root Word Quiz is on Thursday, 10-15-15 **Both Study Guides go in your journals for journal check – Tomorrow- Tuesday, 10-13-15 Read Chapter 7 for this exam, this material will be tested as part of the nine weeks exam on 10-13-15 AND we may test over it the week of the 19th!
Cell Membrane (and transport) Notes Fill in the blanks for the power point Continued
QUIZ Scratch through Friday’s Quiz on your Answer Document QUIZ Scratch through Friday’s Quiz on your Answer Document Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… let me know Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.
Naked Egg “Eggs-periment” Working in your same “Egg” groups you will complete the fourth day of the Egg Lab 1. Pour the water into the sink. Be CAREFUL with your egg! 2. Keeping the egg in the cup.. and drying the cup as much as possible…determine the mass of your egg in grams. Record in your science journal. BE CAREFUL WITH THE EGG 3. Predict what will happen to your egg when covered in salt water. BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR EGG! Write your prediction in the form of a hypothesis (if then) in your journal 4. Use just enough SALT WATER to cover the egg. 5. Make detailed qualitative observations in your journal. 6. Place the egg back on the side counter, safely out of the way
Nine Week Exam Review ppt Let’s review for the nine week’s test tomorrow. Remember, study guides go in your journal for the journal check tomorrow.
Osmosis Practice Problems If time remains
EXIT TICKET 1. Please describe how osmosis and diffusion are different. 2. Please compare and contrast endocytosis and exocytosis. 3. How do these types of endocytosis differ: phagocytosis and pinocytosis
EXIT TICKET 1. Please explain why a cell must have a semipermeable membrane. 2. Please describe the plasma membrane and explain the function of each component
EXIT TICKET Please create an analogy, the ribosome is like…….. 2. What are some differences between plant and animal cells? 3. Create an analogy, the mitochondria is like…
EXIT TICKET Please compare and contrast Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells (be sure to give examples of each) 2. What are some differences between plant and animal cells? 3. Create an analogy, the mitochondria is like…
EXIT TICKET Please give an example of an Eukaryotic cell. What are some differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. 3. Please give an example of a Prokaryotic cell.
EXIT TICKET REVIEW- Explain how natural selection acts on variation within a population. Explain how to calculate total magnification in microscopy.
Oral Conclusion Please give an example of a limiting factor Describe one way humans are impacting the nitrogen cycle Describe one way humans are impacting the carbon cycle How are microorganisms such as bacteria beneficial to an ecosystem? Organism? Give an example of a producer. A consumer> Describe biological magnification. Give an example of an abiotic factor. A biotic factor. Describe an invasive species and give an example. Why does only 10% of the energy move from trophic level to trophic level? How is primary succession different from secondary succession?
Launch Clean the floor around your desk, please throw away any garbage near your desk (yes PLEASE, even if it isn't yours) Words of Wisdom to launch you! “ If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are right!” Henry Ford