El juramento a la bandera The Pledge of Allegiance
Juro fidelidad a la bandera What does the J sound like? What does the I sound like? What does the A sound like?
de los estados unidos de américa What do you need to remember about how to say unidos? How is America Different from the way we say it?
y la república que representa How do you say “y”? What do we need to remember about republica? What letter in English does the word que sound like? Remember not to use a z sound in REPresenta!
una nación bajo Diós How do you say nacion? Different from Nation! (no “sh”sound). What does the j sound like in bajo?
indivisible Break it up! Five syllables: Een –dee- vee- see -blay
con libertad y justicia o sounds like oh (con = cone) i=ee Justicia: who –stee- seyu
para todos Don’t forget, the a sounds like “ah”