In brief: Insects are attached to the petals of a flower. As they investigate the flower, they rub up against the flowers Anther. This causes the insect, to get pollen on themselves. When they go to another flower, the pollen falls off of them and is caught on the Stamen. The pollen travels down the Pistil to the Ovary. The pollen then fertilizes the eggs in the ovary and a fruit with seeds are born.
Petal Anther Stamen Sepals Stigma Pistil Ovary 1.Petal – Attracts insects 2.Anther - Makes Pollen 3.Stamen - Provides Support 4.Sepals - Protects flower bud 5.Stigma - Traps Pollen 6.Pistil - Pollen travels through here 7.Ovary - Contains egg cell