Understanding Culture (These things are apart of my culture) I wear denim jeans, I celebrate Christmas. I listen to rock, jazz, rap, gospel, and rhythm and blues
Culture is the way of life of people who share similar beliefs and customs Eight Elements 1.Social groups (different groups) Ex. rich, poor, young, old, man, woman. Ethnic groups are also social groups. 2.Language (Dialect-local form of a language that differs from the same language in other areas.) Ex. People in mid west say pop, people in southeast say drink, people in northeast say soda when referring to soft drinks.
3.Religion 4.Daily life (Do you eat pizza or tacos? Do you eat with chopsticks or forks and spoons? 5.History (It shapes how we view the world) Disasters, heroes and holidays to honor them) 6.Arts (Paintings, sculpture, and music)
7. Government creates rules and laws to keep order among people. Ex 7.Government creates rules and laws to keep order among people. Ex. Democracy, dictatorship, and monarchy. 8.Economy is how people in a society earn a living.
Cultural change (They do not remain the same) Cultural diffusion( which is the spreading of new knowledge and skill to other cultures) is responsible for the change in cultures. Examples: The first human societies lived by hunting and gathering fruits and vegetables and moved from place to place. About 10,000 years ago civilizations emerged because people learned to grow food by planting seed-agriculture. These highly advanced civilizations were in Iraq, Egypt, India, and China. Later in s the 1700’s the Industrial Revolution and then presently the Information Revolution.
Culture Regions are what geographers divide the world into Culture Regions are what geographers divide the world into. These areas share common characteristics. (Same dress, food, religions, government, social groups) Look at the map on p.84 to examine the culture regions.