TASK Do a ”knowledgebook profile” according to the teachers instructions
GROUP WORK How can our personal knowledge be warped? Form five groups Do the assignments designeated by the teacher Compile a short presentation and prepare to present your conclusions to others
Towards objectivity What is the best antidote against obstacles of personal knowledge? External check: allowing other people to critically evaluate our opinions and knowledge claims
TASK Despite the growth of knowledge, what evidence, if any, is there that the average person is less gullible and superstitious than their ancestors?
TASK Does personal knowledge and understanding develop with age and experience, or can it equally well degenerate? Try to find evidence for both points of view
TASK What kind of knowledge questions can you create based on what you have learned from personal knowledge?
Picture sources Profile picture <> Accessed 17th of August 2016. Funny queue <> Accessed 1st of September 2015. Reality check <> Accessed 1st of September 2015. Black cat <> Accessed 1st of September 2015. Old man <> accessed 27th of August 2018. Knowledge questions <> Accessed 25th of September 2017.