Jason T. Mendelsohn aka: Superman HPV BE STRONG! IT’S ALL TEMPORARY! REMEMBER YOUR WHY! T: 407.782.5614 Jason@SupermanHPV.com www.SupermanHPV.com
I had never heard of HPV related Oropharyngeal Cancer 3 out of 4 adults by age 30 have HPV 62% of freshman in college Men between the ages of 40-60 are the most highly diagnosed – decades after being exposed
Who is Superman HPV? Where did I come from? May 12, 2014 Who is Superman HPV? Where did I come from?
I made videos to my family saying goodbye.
The Hell of Treatment & Helping Others Survive It
Why Superman HPV?
Advocacy: Saving the planet from preventable cancer Have my story shared in as many languages as possible on all seven continents to save lives worldwide Head & Neck Cancer Alliance Advocacy:
“I no longer feel alone.” “I’m so grateful that I answered your phone call that day, because it probably saved my dad’s life, as well as my whole family.” ”Speaking with you that day and the days after gave me a tremendous amount of strength at the time I needed it. “I no longer feel alone.” ”His story gave us hope when we needed it.” “After reading about your story, I no longer felt alone.”
Superman HPV – my story
Jason T. Mendelsohn aka: Superman HPV BE STRONG! IT’S ALL TEMPORARY! REMEMBER YOUR WHY! T: 407.782.5614 Jason@SupermanHPV.com www.SupermanHPV.com