Visitors in the institute at the moment are: From now until 4th of October - Jeroen Smaers from UCL in London, an anthropologist specialized on developing new comparative methods. His current work focuses on brain system evolution in primates and mammals, cranial- and postcranial mosaicism in primates, and life history evolution in mammals. He is visiting Kami and Dina to work on publications.
On the 30th of September until 27th of October - Teague O'Mara, postdoc at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute working on information transfer in frugivorous bats is visiting Dina.
Electrocardiogram 20.9.12 16:00 Duck alone in aviary Electrocardiogram 20.9.12 16:00 Duck alone in aviary Electrocardiogram 20.9.12 16:02 Duck + Inge in aviary (values of duck shown here, ECG of Inge not known)