Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Objectives


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Presentation transcript:

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Objectives Day 1 Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. Day 2 Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Day 3 Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. Before teaching, be aware that: On Day 1 you will need pennies and a tin, lots of real coins 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p, large mock coins or Interactive Whiteboard coins, pots for children. On Day 2 you will need washing line with 1-10 number cards, large mock coins, piece of card or Interactive Whiteboard. On Day 3 you will need classroom items with price tags, coins. Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Starters Day 1 Count on 1 or 2 (pre-requisite skills) Day 2 Compare numbers 1 to 10 (simmering skills) Day 3 Count on 1 or 2 (simmering skills) Choose starters that suit your class by dragging and dropping the relevant slide or slides below to the start of the teaching for each day. Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Starter Count on 1 or 2 Pre-requisite skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 1 Put 5 pennies in a tin as children silently count. Add 1 more. How many now? Add 2, one at a time. How many now? Repeat adding 1 or 2 pennies at a time until 20p is in the tin, keeping a brisk pace so children count on. Repeat, this time children close their eyes.   Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Starter Compare numbers 1 to 10 Simmering skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 2 Count along a washing line of numbers 1 to 10. Hold up cards 3 and 8. Which is more? Children answer using fingers. Repeat with other pairs of cards. Repeat, but ask which is less.   Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Starter Count on 1 or 2 Simmering skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 3 Wave a hand and say 5. Children copy. Say 5 waving a hand, and 1 more is 6 waving an extra finger. Children put their hands behind backs, then show 5 on one hand. Show 2 more fingers. 5 and 2 more is? Repeat for 3, 4 and 5 more, then for a random number of fingers on the second hand. Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Objectives Day 1 Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. Year 1

Look at these coins… Day 1: Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. Ask children if someone gave them one of these coins, which would they rather have and why. If children do not point to the 2p, ask them why not, emphasising its size. Highlight that the numbers on the coins tell us how much they are worth, with ‘silver’ coins being worth more than ‘bronze’ ones. Year 1

Can you hold up the same coin? Day 1: Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. Give each pair of children a pot of (preferably real) coins, one each of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. What about this one? Can you hold up the same coin? This is worth the same as 2 pennies. Year 1

Day 1: Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. Hold up the same coin as this one. This is worth the same as 5 pennies. Year 1

This is worth the same as 10 pennies. Day 1: Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. What about this one? This is worth the same as 10 pennies. Year 1

How many pennies could I swap it for? Day 1: Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. How much money do I have? How many pennies could I swap it for? Year 1

How many pennies could I swap it for? Day 1: Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. How much money do I have? How many pennies could I swap it for? Children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Find coins in the sand tray. Who has the most treasure? ARE/GD: Swap pennies for larger amounts. Year 1

Challenge The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Matching Sheet 1 ARE/GD: Matching Sheet 2 GD: Matching Sheet 3 Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Objectives Day 2 Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Year 1

What coin might this be? What coins can’t it be? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. What coin might this be? What coins can’t it be? Hide a large 5p coin behind a ‘wall’ (piece of card) or cover an Interactive Whiteboard 5p coin with a box. Gradually reveal the coin, challenging children to guess what the coin is. Repeat with 1p, 10p and 2p coins. Year 1

Talk to your partner. How can we make 3p? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Talk to your partner. How can we make 3p? Year 1

2p + 1p = 3p Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We could use a 2p coin and a 1p coin. 2p + 1p = 3p Year 1

Talk to your partner. How can we make 4p? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Talk to your partner. How can we make 4p? Year 1

2p + 2p = 4p Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We could use two 2p coins. 2p + 2p = 4p Model counting on in pennies from the larger coin (e.g. tapping the 2p twice to count on 2). Year 1

Talk to your partner. How can we make 6p? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Talk to your partner. How can we make 6p? Year 1

5p + 1p = 6p Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We could use a 5p coin and a 1p coin. 5p + 1p = 6p Model counting on in pennies from the larger coin. Year 1

Talk to your partner. How can we make 7p? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Talk to your partner. How can we make 7p? Year 1

5p + 2p = 7p Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We could use a 5p coin and a 2p coin. 5p + 2p = 7p Model counting on in pennies from the larger coin. Year 1

Talk to your partner. How can we make 11p? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Talk to your partner. How can we make 11p? Year 1

Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We could use a 10p coin and a 1p coin. 10p + 1p = 11p Model counting on in pennies from the larger coin. Year 1

Talk to your partner. How can we make 12p? Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Talk to your partner. How can we make 12p? Year 1

Day 2: Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We could use a 10p coin and a 2p coin. 10p + 2p = 12p Model counting on in pennies from the larger coin. Today would be a great day to use a problem-solving investigation – Make 20 – as the group activity, which you can find in this unit’s IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION box on Hamilton’s website. Alternatively, children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT/ARE: Add two coins together and write number sentences. ARE/GD: Buy items from a shop that need more than 1 coin. Year 1

The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Coins Sheet 1 ARE/GD: Coins Sheet 2 Challenge Year 1

Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Objectives Day 3 Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. Year 1

Which coins could be used to pay for the train? Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. 9p 7p 4p 10p 12p Which coins could be used to pay for the train? Year 1

Which coins could we use to pay 4p? Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. 4p Talk to your partner. Which coins could we use to pay 4p? Which way uses fewest coins? Year 1

Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. How else could we make 4p? Year 1

Which way uses the fewest coins? Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. 4p Which way uses the fewest coins? Year 1

Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. Talk to your partner. How could we make 7p? Year 1

Which way uses the fewest coins? Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. 7p Which way uses the fewest coins? Year 1

Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. How could I pay? Explain that now you want to buy a pencil for 10p but you have not got a 10p coin. Ask how else you could pay. Ask children if you could pay with 2 coins rather than using all the pennies. Year 1

Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. How else could I pay? 10p or Year 1

Can I pay with just two coins? Day 3: Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. Can I pay with just two coins? 10p Children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT/ARE: Find different combinations to make money amounts. GD: Find different combinations to make money amounts. Year 1

Year 1 The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Finding ways to pay amounts to 6p Sheet 1 ARE/GD: Finding ways to pay amounts to 10p Sheet 2 Year 1

Well Done! You’ve completed this unit. Money and Time Identify coins to 10p Exchange for 1p coins Well Done! You’ve completed this unit. Objectives Day 1 Know how much each coin to 10p is worth. Day 2 Find totals of two coins from 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Day 3 Use combinations of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items. You can now use the Mastery: Reasoning and Problem-Solving questions to assess children’s success across this unit. Go to the next slide. Year 1

Problem solving and reasoning questions Find a coin which is… less than 2p 5p more than 5p (c) in between 2p and 10p Draw the number of 1p coins each coin is worth. 5p 2p 10p Challenge Try to put at least one coin in each place on the table. Is this possible?   silver brown round not round Year 1

Problem solving and reasoning: Answers Find a coin which is… (a) less than 2p 1p (b) 5p more than 5p 10p (c) in between 2p and 10p 5p Draw the number of 1p coins each coin is worth. (i) 5p 5 x 1p (ii) 2p 2 x 1p (iii) 10p 10 x 1p Challenge Try to put at least one coin in each place on the table. Is this possible? No. There are no coins that are both brown and not round.   silver brown round  5p, 10p  1p, 2p not round  20p, 50p  none Year 1