Film4 Quarterly Update Q1 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Film4 Quarterly Update Q1 2019

Film4 Highlights Film4 continues to be the biggest film channel, reaching more ABC1 Men than the Sky Movies channels Film4 had an average monthly reach of 32% for ABC1 Men (4.3m) Film4 reaches more ABC1 Men on a monthly basis than competing media (cinema, Empire & Men’s Health) Eight out of the top ten rating films for adults were shown at 9pm Film4 took a 1.3% Share of ABC1 Adults in Q1, up 28% vs. Q1 2018 The Hatton Garden Job was the highest rating film this quarte, followed by Deepwater Horizon Source: BARB/Advantedge Q1 2019, TGI Q1 2019

Audience Insight

Film4 has a strong male profile Source: BARB/Techedge, Q1 2019, profile base = 16+

Film4 continues to achieve more than the combined reach of all Sky Movies Source: BARB/Advantedge. Q1 2019; reach condition = 3 consecutive mins.

ABC1 Men Average Monthly Reach (000s) Q1 2019 …and has a higher monthly reach than competing media ABC1 Men Average Monthly Reach (000s) Q1 2019 Source: BARB/Advantedge Q1 2019. GB TGI Q1 2019 (Oct 2017 – Sept 2018) base = ABC1 Men (cinema reach defined as ABC1 men who state they visit the cinema once a month or more, Magazines = AIR – read in the last 4 weeks)

Top Rating Films Adults Rank Programme Title TVR '000 (AVG) 1 FILM: THE HATTON GARDEN JOB (2017) 1.4 716.1 2 FILM: DEEPWATER HORIZON (2016) 1.1 554.6 3 FILM: COMMANDO (1985) 552 4 FILM: MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION 1.0 524.9 5 FILM: THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER'S WAR (2016) 522.2 6 FILM: THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN (2011) 499.6 7 FILM: THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PT 2 491.3 8 FILM: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE (2016) 487.9 9 FILM: LONE SURVIVOR (2013) 0.9 478.4 10 FILM: THE LONGEST DAY (1962) 455.4 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q1 2019. Highest Occurrence, Adults 16+

Top Rating Films ABC1 Men Rank Programme Title TVR '000 (AVG) 1 FILM: THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN (2011) 1.0 141.6 2 FILM: CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER 129.1 3 FILM: ANTHROPOID (2016) 0.9 126.6 4 FILM: THE HATTON GARDEN JOB (2017) 123.1 5 FILM: THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PT 2 0.8 114.1 6 FILM: TERMINATOR GENISYS (2015) 108.3 7 FILM: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE (2016) 107.5 8 FILM: GODS OF EGYPT (2016) 106.6 9 FILM: THE LONGEST DAY (1962) 103.9 10 FILM: LUCY (2014) 101.9 Source: BARB/Advantedge, Q1 2019, Highest Occurrence, ABC1 Men

Film4 viewers are commercially receptive Film4 fans… Are commercially receptive “Whilst watching TV, I search on the internet for products I see advertised” (Index 119) “I find Tv advertising interesting and quite often it gives me something to talk about” (Index 117) “I’m tempted to buy products I’ve seen advertised (Index 115) “I often notice products or brands that appear in TV shows and films” (Index 114) “I enjoy watching ads featuring my favourite celebs” (Index 112) Love watching TV and keeping up with the latest technology trends “TV influences my opinions” (Index 112) “I try to keep up with developments in technology” (Index 111) “I am a TV addict” (Index 111) Source: GB TGI Q1 2019 (Oct 2017-Sept 2018) base = all adults, any agree, fans defined Film4 1st favourite channel