Today’s Prompt Write a story about a time you had a conflict with a sibling. (If you’re an only child, choose a close friend or relative.) Some questions to consider… What did you learn from this conflict? How did it change the relationship? Why did the conflict arise?
An interview with David Sedaris… David Sedaris recently did an interview with Dutch TV to discuss writing and his latest piece in the New Yorker. Let’s watch. I think he has some good insight on the writer’s life.
Nonfiction Reading Analysis… Read the latest piece in the New Yorker. OR choose an essay or an excerpt from your non- fiction book. And then analyze it using the following form. This is for a grade. On this six weeks! Also, we will be doing this on Wednesday. Bring something of your choice to analyze. If you need places to look, I suggest the following… The New Yorker (I have some copies in class), Best American Essays, Salon, etc,