Update on Vision and Assistive Technology Julie Kagy Consultant for Visual Impairment and Assistive Technology - NCDPI 919-807-3988 jkagy@dpi.state.nc.us
VI Service Transition Senate Bill 897/Session Law 2010-31 DHHS must consolidate positions at residential schools. There will now be one administrator at each school. Office of Educational Services will be eliminated on Oct. 1, 2010. Interim Superintendent hired. Outreach Program (VI) and Resource Support Program (D/HH) will move to DPI on Oct. 1, 2010. Joint Committee established by Oct.1,2010 to find new superintendent for all three schools to be hired by May 2011.
VI Service Transition State Board of Ed will develop a transition plan for residential schools and present it to the legislature before Dec. 1, 2010. The 3 Residential Schools and the Early Intervention programs will be transferred to DPI on June 1, 2011.
VI Transition Outreach will continue to provide Functional Vision Assessments and Learning Media Assessments and consultation. No Short Term sessions at the campus until further notice
Visual Impairment APH Federal Quota Funds for public and private accounts. Yearly Quota Report.(List of all Legally Blind Students) Report will be requested earlier this year. Orders for materials, equipment and equipment repair for legally blind students. Send APH Order form to me. Julie Kagy
Professional Development VI More difficult/ fewer opportunities/ may need to travel more than other teachers EC Conference - November 2010 - Vision Institute Nov. 2 & 3 Functional Vision Assessment and Learning Media Assessment AT Expo – November 18 & 19, 2010 Bookshare Pre Conference – Nov. 17 www.pat.org NC Conference for Visual Impairment and Blindness – April 8& 9, 2011
Prison Braille Initiative DPI, NCCU and Correction Enterprises http://correctionenterprises.com/ Scotland County Prison Working with Richmond Community College Hope to begin production by 2012 Brailler Repair
Other Issues Contract TVI services NCCU VITP http://www.nccu-vitp.net/ Beth Harris, Ph.D. Phone: (919) 530-5346 (NCCU) (919)715-6342 (GMS) E-mail: baharris@nccu.edu
Assistive Technology Braille and Large Print: State Adopted Texts are ordered through State Textbook Warehouse. Audio Books - for print-disabled students. 2010-2011 EC Division will continue to work with RFB&D All LEAs will continue to have a EC funded membership with RFB&D. Will train and promote use of Bookshare Bookshare.org / Free membership to students and teachers www.pat.org Manage provision of files from the NIMAC LEAs should have an accessible file agreement with publishers
Assistive Technology AT and Augmentative Communication evaluation teams being developed across the state. 16 teams 4 New Teams started at Summer Institute in July. First Year: 2 two-day trainings Site Visits On-going Consultation Second Year: 2 one-day trainings
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interdisciplinary Assessment Team Initiative Alleghany Ashe Surry Stokes Rockingham Northampton Gates Caswell Person Camden Currituck Vance Warren Hertford Watauga Pasquotank Wilkes Halifax Perquimans Yadkin Forsyth Avery Guilford Granville Orange Bertie Chowan Mitchell Caldwell Alamance Durham Franklin Alexander Davie Nash Madison Yancey Edgecombe Martin Davidson Wake Washington Burke Iredell Tyrrell Dare McDowell Randolph Wilson Buncombe Catawba Chatham Rowan Haywood Pitt Beaufort Swain Rutherford Lincoln Lee Johnston Hyde Graham Cabarrus Jackson Henderson Stanly Harnett Wayne Polk Cleveland Gaston Montgomery Moore Lenoir Cherokee Macon Transylvania Mecklenburg Craven Pamlico Clay Hoke Cumberland Greene Union Richmond Sampson Jones Anson Duplin Scotland Onslow Carteret Robeson Bladen Pender Columbus New Hanover Brunswick
Training based on a tiered model General Education Initiatives Intermediate Consultations Specialized Team Evaluations LEA Commitment Travel Cost – transportation and lodging Training time – Initially Team meeting and evaluation time SPL, OT and others May join with another LEA for team