Challenges in the development of Croatian Statistical Business Register International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames – Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers Wiesbaden, 21 – 26 October 2007
Contents Croatian SBR History of data in the SBR Enterprise Groups
Croatian SBR SBR exists since 2004 The SBR consists of legal unit, enterprise and local unit Legal unit : enterprise = 1:1 348.291 legal units (on 12 September 2007) 167.848 active enterprises 217.589 active local units
Historical data in the SBR All the programming work had to be done inside the CBS Lack of IT personnel Creation of the SBR data base and software application that is not fully functional in the terms of historicism
Lack of historical data was in the meantime partly solved : Turnover and employment figures are recorded and available for every year since 2003 For all other changes of the data it is not possible to retrieve previous state.
Main points of interest are: Which variables usually nead to have historical information; If there is data from more sources for the same variable are they also recorded in history (for example employment from Tax Administration, employment from the SBS etc.); Is it sufficient to record only last state of the data before change or we should keep all changes that are recorded through the time; What could be the simplest way to record history besides snapshots of the complete data base (technical solution)?
Enterprise Groups According to new BR regulation enterprise groups are compulsory units that have to be recorded in the SBR. The project of including EGs in the SBR will start at the beginning of 2008
Questions: How EGs are attached to the SBR - do the countries that already register EGs have separate software for EGs or they are part of SBR connected to other types of units (legal units and enterprises)? Do they treat differently all-resident EGs and truncated EGs? To which they pay more attention? Which sources are used for detecting EGs? Besides private companies that provide data about EGs, do they use other administrative sources which are free of charge? Is there a possibility of using only those administrative sources which are free of charge? Is the desk profiling sufficient?